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Always fancied one of these and I have seen one for a decent price, anyone in these parts play thru them? Pro's /con's would be appreciated šŸ™‚

Mainly what's the volume output like (ball park of the orange ad200 maybe)? ? I'd be playing it with a 6x10 cab.

Many thanks


Not a massively useful reply - apologies in advance -Ā but..

I have one stored away under the bed for those midlife crisis moments whereĀ I wonder whether I could put up with the weight and inconvenience of valves for the sake of the sound. I justĀ take it out and cart it up the many flights of stairs at ourĀ rehearsal studio, enjoy it for a couple of hours, bring it down again (usuallyĀ nearly setting myself on fire with the latent heat of the tubes...) and invariably put it away for another 6-12 months and carry on using whatever car-stereo-size flavour of the month is shiny!

Donā€™t get me wrong, itĀ sounds great and itā€™s very versatile, and Iā€™d say that having played through a friendā€™s AD200 with 4x10 and 1x15 at a decent size gig, Iā€™d expect the VB-2 to be just as loud through the same cabs.

The AD might be a bit ā€˜warmerā€™ and more bass-heavyĀ sounding by default from memory, but I honestly didnā€™t do much more than plug in and turn up. The EQ on the VB is comprehensive soĀ could very likely replicate that more classic vibe,Ā though itā€™s not a tone I useĀ so Iā€™ve never actually asked it to. Iā€™ve only ever played mine through my Markbass 4x10 with quite a mid-presentĀ clean tone,Ā and thatā€™s plenty loud enough to get over a metal band;Ā a decent 6x10 should give you one hell of a noise!

But itā€™s a pain in the behind to carryĀ and will try to burn you after itā€™s been on a while. Just saying.


Hi Ed, thanks for the reply šŸ™‚

I've had loads of tube amps in the past (ampeg, orange, fender etc) and everytime I sell one and say to myself the weight is to much...... The allure of glowing glass drags me back šŸ˜„. I've seen a b stock peavey vb2 at a corking price, never tried/heard 1 before but looked good on paper. Sounds like the volume might be good then, the ad200 volume was good...... But god I hated the eq of it.

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