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Pick revelation

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Since playing bass even mostly for rock I always thought it was more correct to play bass finger style and not use a pick !

Avoided it like the plague and today I’ve gone over to the pick and I’ve discovered some great advantages over just fingers

With my PBass and Ampeg rig the pick just brings out a definite growl and punchy tone 

Sound level is more or perceived as louder

Im an ex guitarist so pick playing comes easy 

I think for other styles the pick is probably wrong but for rock etc I can see using a better more punchy sound there is no need for two guitar players and a bass in a typical rock band !



'...for other styles the pick is probably wrong...'    Ummmm, you might not have seen much of Bobby Vega's work 😉



Very impressive 

The thing I’ve discovered is I bring more of my guitar playing skills across to the bass more so with a pick, a bit like the vibe in that video. 

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