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Ways to create a drone


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I’m trying to learn fretless, and I’ve heard playing along to a drone (say, the root) is beneficial for intonation. What ways are there to make a drone? 

I’m very comfortable with technology, but I haven’t done anything with music on computers for about 20 years. Can I get a modern sequencer program to play a drone? Are there iphone  apps? Web pages? Albums on Spotify? Help me out! :)

Edited by Ruarl
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Most DAWs will have a keyboard VST, play the note (again most DAW's will have an on screen keyboard that you can use if you don't have a midi keyboard). Then loop. 

Alternatively grab yourself an Elecro harmonix freeze pedal it will do the trick with your bass. 

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I play Indian fusion music..and you can get an app for your phone that has a drone on it..it gives you the root, 4th, 5th...you decide. See if you can find it under the word “ tanpura”

Just plug into your sounds via headphone socket on your phone.

Job done.

Edited by alembic1989
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Thanks Alembic, I've been on the lookout for a good drone app. Drummer Asaf Sirkis, uses a phone app drone on gigs sometimes and it sounds very cool. 

I don't play fretless but have been using a drone recently to practice ear training/singing exercises, a few people recommended it as a good way to work on pitch. I've been using www.dronetool.com which has a nice cello sound, and there's also a shruti box. There's more about that on the Ear Training thread also in this part of the forum if you're interested Rural, and a video from Ingrid Jensen that talks about the shruti box to get a drone.


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