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Fun with pedals

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At the time of writing, the best price online for a new Boss LS-2 is just £79: https://www.scan.co.uk/products/boss-ls-2-line-selector-pedal-connect-and-switch-between-multiple-amps-and-fx-devices-provides-2-lin?gclid=CjwKCAiA_9r_BRBZEiwAHZ_v12anRUQKA8Ru0RX1zdeHVgt3LPPjClPt6D-eynxjdaotmxUNOcHXuBoCW3sQAvD_BwE

Alternatively, you could buy one pre-owned on eBay from ed_stratospheric of Coventry for £69: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Roland-Boss-LS2-Line-Selector-Guitar-Channel-Amp-Effect-Switcher-Pedal-LS-2/124492605851?epid=1004331537&hash=item1cfc56699b%3Ag%3AUukAAOSweGVfeGEJ&LH_ItemCondition=3000

Do note the distinctive white brickwork and fake wood of the desk.

Another option would be to buy from steveskingle of Coventry for £69: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Roland-Boss-LS2-Line-Selector-Guitar-Channel-Amp-Effect-Switcher-Pedal-LS-2/324423876005?epid=1004331537&hash=item4b892b7da5%3Ag%3A64oAAOSwDiZf3e6h&LH_ItemCondition=3000

Do note the distinctive white brickwork and fake wood of the desk.

Even better would be to buy from steveskingle of Coventry for £69: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Roland-Boss-LS2-Line-Selector-Guitar-Channel-Amp-Effect-Switcher-Pedal-LS-2/324425387179?epid=1004331537&hash=item4b89428cab%3Ag%3ANU0AAOSwjGte5I8P&LH_ItemCondition=3000

Do note the distinctive white brickwork and fake wood of the desk.

Don't be fooled into thinking that this is one person trying to sell the same pedal three times. It is clearly three different pedals, all identical, that one person owns. Or maybe two but they have similar taste in decor. 

You can easily tell that they are different pedals because the knobs are in different positions.


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