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Anyone else have trouble recording Piezo pickups?


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Just learning myself how to record multitrack for the first time.  It's all going OK-ish, but a very odd thing - the piezo pickups on my bass record very thin and scratchy, whereas if I dial in the Barts we're OK again. Through my head n cabs they sound alright, it's just through my interface the piezos sound rubbish.  I can't for the life of me see why piezos should be handled any different by the interface/software, but then there's a great many things in life that don't make any sense to me so that's nothing new. 

Bass:  Ibanez SRF 705 Portamento, Computer: Macbook, Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, DAW: Pro Tools First. 

Edited by lownote12
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5 hours ago, jrixn1 said:

Does your interface has a lower input impedance than your amp?  This would affect the sound.  How does it sound if you DI from the amp?

Ooh, cripes, that's pushing my brain power envelope a tad.  My brain has very high impedance. Er, how would I DI from my amp into the Scarlett?Just l;ooked round the back and my ancient Ashdown doesn't have an 'ole marked DI.   

Edited by lownote12
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