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Received a message from Mark earlier.

All Access Pass Coming To An End

Hi there! It's Mark from Talkingbass!

This is just a quick email just to let you know that as of June 1st, the All Access Pass will unfortunately be coming to an end. 

Talkingbass is about to go through some huge changes and the All Access Pass won't work as a service within that new framework.

The All Access Pass has worked well as a way for many people to take a glimpse at the courses on a temporary basis, often with a view to purchasing a course. But the service will be closing as of June.

This gives, those of you still subscribing, three months in which to make the most of the pass and finish up any courses you're trying out at the moment.

I'll be sending out some more emails closer to that time so keep an eye out for those. 

The new developments at Talkingbass will be revealed later in the year but I'm really excited about all the great features we'll be bringing, many of which have been suggested by the community. 



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