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Posted (edited)

I'm putting my Sound City up for sale. I think it's a little noisy (Just a hum) and I have the choice of either selling as is or getting it serviced. Some say that these amps are a little noisy so maybe it's normal?

Collection or delivery within reasonable distance, although I'm travelling from North to South next w/e.

£200 as is, you're welcome to give it a try. Output switched between 4, 8 and 16 Ohms. 120 valve watts.

If I get it serviced it'll be reflected in the price. This is a very good price - no offers please.

Spare valves and original 'smartie' knobs included. Also fitted with side sprung handles as the strap and 52lb is plain silly :)

Selling as I already have 2 standby amps :rolleyes:


Edited by GreeneKing

Oh jesus! I'm after a valve amp and work in Kendal too! £200 is great. I'm going out the office for a bit, but I'll give this a lot of thought


[quote name='GreeneKing' post='442401' date='Mar 23 2009, 01:25 PM']I think it's a little noisy (Just a hum) and I have the choice of either selling as is or getting it serviced. Some say that these amps are a little noisy so maybe it's normal?[/quote]

All Sound City Mark 4 variants are noisy/hummy to a greater/lesser degree. It's all to do with the design and wiring of the active tone controls in the pre-amp and the way that the signal is routed around using unscreened wire. The earlier versions had a different design. Many users rip out the SC pre-amp and rebuild it to the same design as Hiwatt.


Thanks for that Dave. I bought it off a great guy who assured me it was okay so presumably the hum comes as standard and the buyer will get a bargain.

I've had a lot of enquiries and the amp is currently on hold pending sale tomorrow.


The power side valves are 6CA7's if that makes any sense.


[quote name='waynepunkdude' post='442866' date='Mar 23 2009, 06:51 PM']Damn I have been trying to track it down, it's of my biggest eBay regrets.[/quote]
did the same thing! the amp needed some tech work so i thought i'd move it on rather than repairing it, good in a way though since i ended up learning to build amps to compensate!


I'm afraid for everyone in the queue it's sold. Hope you don't mind me not sending individual pm's.

Thanks for the interest.

Another amp and cab bargain here:




Just a useless bit of trivia but 6CA7 are like a fatter, US version of the EL34.


It might be worth considering an upgrade to KT77's. They're capable of putting out about 10% more power than an EL34. My Burmans are rated 100w with EL34's but 140w with KT77's. I've tried to find definitive output information but although its there, the tubes haven't been tested using the same baseline so its difficult to make direct comparisons. Don't panic about the prices in that link BTW, they're for very old NOS Gold Lion KT77's like the one in my avatar. Modern KT77's are available at more reasonable prices from [url="http://www.hotroxuk.com/genalex-gold-lion-kt77-10363-0.html"]Genalex [/url]and [url="http://www.hotroxuk.com/jj-electronics-tube-kt77-9070-0.html"]JJ Tesla[/url] now.


That's helpful thanks Kiwi. I think I'll get it in for a service some point soon and give her a good going over...if you will

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