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Kent Armstrong Humbucking Pickup (Soapbar)

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4 or 5 string, it does either! check out the website for the specs if need be.
Bought this for a bass that I was building, if I get as far as finishing the neck then I'll wait till I've got a bit more money and buy another pair, for the moment it's totally useless to me, although it's meant to have a pretty sweet tone.

Soapbar stylee! I think it's the neck version but if anyone's interested I'll double check.

They're selling new on WD music for 45 quids. Might even have a box for this one, and it's never been installed, so I'll call it 30 pounds posted? and that's cutting me own throat!

- stock pic, but once again it looks just like that, and I can take photos if anyone's interested!

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