I've had this a few times, and have a current example so thought it might be worth posting here.
Posts sometimes disappear from my "Content I started" list, which is confusing as once I've started a topic, I would have said I'd always started it. At the moment I have two things for sale in Accessories & Other Musically Related Items For Sale:
But only the second one appears in "Content I Started" (Windows 10 PC, Chrome browser). No filters, newest first, the two topics were started about the same time. I dont start that many topics so it's not like there are pages and pages to look through, it should be on the first page easily. I did edit the one that's missing for a price drop. Both were appearing a week or so ago (probably before the edit on the missing one).
As I say, I've noticed this several times before, I use that feature to find things and bump them when I've got stuff for sale.
I've had this a few times, and have a current example so thought it might be worth posting here.
Posts sometimes disappear from my "Content I started" list, which is confusing as once I've started a topic, I would have said I'd always started it. At the moment I have two things for sale in Accessories & Other Musically Related Items For Sale:
But only the second one appears in "Content I Started" (Windows 10 PC, Chrome browser). No filters, newest first, the two topics were started about the same time. I dont start that many topics so it's not like there are pages and pages to look through, it should be on the first page easily. I did edit the one that's missing for a price drop. Both were appearing a week or so ago (probably before the edit on the missing one).
As I say, I've noticed this several times before, I use that feature to find things and bump them when I've got stuff for sale.
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