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PA - passive in-line volume control


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A weird one, this:

I use a wireless mixer for our band's gigs - an XR18. It's great, but the only thing that really bugs me about it is the lack of any hard mute or volume control. 

We've had a couple of horrible feedback moments in the past when setting up which, on an ordinary mixer, you could kill in seconds, but on the XR takes a couple of moments to find the correct screen and fader - and even more time if the device controlling it has gone to sleep. 

I also have a slight (probably irrational) fear of some horrible digital error from one of the connected synth devices blowing the speakers if I can't reduce the level quickly. 

I have a Behringer Xtouch which works fine as a hard controller; however, it's just one more thing to lug around and for smaller gigs a bit of a pain.

I was wondering if there was any in-line volume controller or kill switch which would work and came across this:


Although it's for monitoring, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work with the main PA outs - it has the 'instant' kill if needed and you can reduce vol a touch easily during a song using the vol control. I assume to set it up effectively you'd set it for max vol at the usual gig volume and only tweak it if needed. 


So - any reason I should get that to run the main PA feeds (to powered speakers) through? Any other alternative products? 

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You've got me wanting one of these now (🙄) even though @Silvia Bluejay and I have been using an XR18 for two years without any situation arising where we'd have needed it!

I can easily see it as a belt & braces thing mind, especially since Silvie's attention has to be split between the PA and her video cameras. 


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Lol - I've been using ours for a while too. We only had a couple of occurrences - usually the singer walking in front of the speakers or something, but it's just that slight feeling of a lack of control. I don't know why they put a headphone control but not a master level control/mute on it too. 

I'm not sure whether it's the right thing or not - as you say, it's belt and braces and if there's no obvious reason why not then relatively cheap too. 

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