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univox or unicord basses


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This might be a good start: http://www.vintageunivox.com/ Unfortunately the site hasn't been updated for 20 years so it's a bit of a nightmare to navigate, but history, plus pics & info about specific models are there if you're willing to dig. 

There is a plethora of Facebook groups devoted to Japanese guitars from the 60s, 70s & 80s, including a Univox-specific group, and also The Original Vintage Japanese Guitar Fanclub, which is pretty much a repository for all the current knowledge & research about old MIJ instruments.

As far as the Basschat community's concerned, it's unlikely anyone here will have specific info for you, as Univox was a US-specific brand & never exported to the UK - but I would be failing in my civic duty if I didn't insist that you post some pics! :D




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