Only yesterday, one could see page numbers running along the bottom of the page that one could click on to go to that page. Now the only visible page number is the current one, although putting the cursor over the page number row indicates that there are clickable places, and indeed clicking on it will take one to a page. Useful for page number roulette, but not quite so good for selecting a page. Is this simply the foreground colour of the non-current numbers being set rather too close to black to be visible?
No need to answer, it's in the Site News bug hunt thread.
Only yesterday, one could see page numbers running along the bottom of the page that one could click on to go to that page. Now the only visible page number is the current one, although putting the cursor over the page number row indicates that there are clickable places, and indeed clicking on it will take one to a page. Useful for page number roulette, but not quite so good for selecting a page. Is this simply the foreground colour of the non-current numbers being set rather too close to black to be visible?
No need to answer, it's in the Site News bug hunt thread.
Edited by tauzeroAlready reported elsewhere
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