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I've been away for the weekend, I had a great time exploring Northumbria.

I've heard some stuff about this thread so I thought I'd pop in and see what all the fuss is about. You know it seems really odd that I read the responses to a professional bass player's post and then read the guys comments that provoked them. I can't find anything but reasonable and level headed discussion from Janek????

The shooting down of perceived 'bass celebs' is a regular pastime on BC and elsewhere. Is that about them or us?

All imo of course and the usual restrictions apply.



[quote name='gwizmon' post='532519' date='Jul 4 2009, 05:04 PM']How about a thread which discusses melodic development in modern music, and what possibilities lie ahead for our industry and for us as players? or would that actually be too realistic of a topic? and would there not be enough opportunity to bitch about the cost of instruments or pieces of gear for page after page......?



Seriously, there are a few threads in the Theory & Technique section on here which are amazing. Talking about modes and chords at a pretty advanced level. Started by rslaing, and heavily contributed to by major minor and Jakesbass. I imagine anything you want to contribute to them would be most welcome, Janek.




I have read most of the latest BGM now and I think it's a vast improvement too. The interviews are so much better, the session feature is one of the most interesting and useful I have read anywhere. The gear reviews are still a bit lame and there continue to be dreadful typos throughout.

Typos REALLY BUG ME. I would offer to proof stuff for the publisher but I doubt they'd want to chuck stuff out there before publish date and they really shouldn't have to in the first place. It makes the mag look so unprofessional.

Generally I am really pleased with the way it seems to be going and I'm happy to spend £4 on it now.


I just want to say that i find it really sad that Janek feels he is not welcome on this forum and is not amongst friends. He is a superb bass player and seems like a very genuine chap and I think he could have contributed a lot.

On the fodera issue: A lot of people bang on about their vintage fenders that cost thousands and no one seems to bother about it at all but as soon as someone says something positive about a Fodera is it right that they should be chased out of town by locals with pitch forks and burning torches.

As far as BGM goes, last issue was superb, I loved the article on Christian McBride and Janek, and found the article on session musicians really interesting. I love the magazine anyway but really felt they lifted the bar with this issue, WELL DONE BGM, I will be subscribing again.


IMHO BGM should get someone on here who ACTUALLY represents them, because at the moment all I can see is one of the magazine's contributors being defensive of the status quo, and nothing else.

I suggest it would be beneficial if the chosen representative can ignore anything but the issues at hand.


[quote name='gwizmon' post='533251' date='Jul 5 2009, 07:51 PM']1) BGM don't pay me for writing for the magazine[/quote]
Then I, for one, doubly thank you for your series of articles. To share your musical insight for free is only to be applauded.

I only wish you wouldn't "shed". It makes you sound like a reptile sloughing off a layer of skin. :)

[size=1]And that's merely friendly banter, not a personal dig.[/size]


Take a deep breath and relax, everyone.

This thread is open again and will hopefully be used to show appreciation for, or constructively criticise, BGM.

I've had to trim a few posts to keep it on target. Unfortunately, this process is pretty non-scientific so if you feel your post has been wrongly deleted, I apologise.


As a someone who is just thinking of upgrading my first bass I'd really like to see an article on a range of basses with the prices ranging from around £350 to £600. something along the lines of 'my first proper bass.'
maybe its just me, but the mag is either total newbies or people who can really play already. A bit more middle ground please. I dont need tons of it, just an small article, plus maybe some advice on 'starter' heads and cabs, especially the smaller lightweight variety. I dont want to take too much space from the established players.

Posted (edited)

[i]To me[/i], Janek is a great player, and would be a valuable member of this community if the same old clowns didn't just rip him to bits every time he writes here, and it's the usual suspects every time.

On the subject of BGM, I think it's improving all the time, and I'd rather have it on the shelves, even with it's little mistakes, than not have it at all.

On the subject of Fodera, if I could afford one, I'd love to have one.

On the subject of Encore, my 8 year old daughter would love one, and she's just as relevant a bass player as anyone else on here.

Horses for courses.

Edited by wateroftyne
Posted (edited)

I'm aware that there are a fair few deleted posts on this page including one that I felt was a non contentious one of mine and another that quoted my original post.

Odd? If your post is deleted wouldn't it be nice to be told why?


Edited by GreeneKing

[quote name='GreeneKing' post='533914' date='Jul 6 2009, 04:47 PM']I'm aware that there are a fair few deleted posts on this page including one that I felt was a non contentious one of mine and another that quoted my original post.

Odd? If your post is deleted wouldn't it be nice to be told why?

Peter - I did explain that this might be the case when I re-opened the thread.

If you want to discuss it further, please PM me.

Thank you.


[quote name='wateroftyne' post='533919' date='Jul 6 2009, 04:51 PM']Peter - I did explain that this might be the case when I re-opened the thread.

If you want to discuss it further, please PM me.

Thank you.[/quote]

That'll teach me to read the tread fully :)


[quote name='cheddatom' post='533604' date='Jul 6 2009, 10:51 AM']IMHO BGM should get someone on here who ACTUALLY represents them, because at the moment all I can see is one of the magazine's contributors being defensive of the status quo, and nothing else.

I suggest it would be beneficial if the chosen representative can ignore anything but the issues at hand.[/quote]

With all due/total respect to you and everyone else who've been critical of BGM in this thread - there are plenty of BGM contributors who have read all the critical comments on here and they DO take them seriously.

I write for BGM as a freelance contributor and I too obviously want the mag to improve and under Nick's editorship it has seriously improved from what it was in just three issues. I can't and won't make any comments on behalf of Nick or anyone else from the mag as it's up to them whether they want to come on here and spend hours debating the issues raised, it takes a hell of a lot of work just to get a mag out the door each month - I should know I've worked on one for 6 years and the work never stops. If we replied to every critical letter/email/internet thread we'd never actually get the mag out on time.

I know Nick really wants to sharpen up the proofing but typos happen all the time in most publications - I spotted one in the Guardian (no news there then :) ) yesterday, I also watched a Richard Bona DVD as well where Victor Wooten's surname was spelt WOTTEN throughout the entire DVD. I think the mag is heading in the right direction it can obviously still improve, like crap telly (which you can choose not to watch) you can choose not to buy BGM or support it by buying it - I wasn't happy with how it looked or read until Nick took over - it's vastly improved and with his and others continued efforts it WILL keep on improving - if you don't like the way the reviews read or are conducted email him directly - I'm sure he'll take your opinion seriously and listen to what you have to say.

[email protected]

Please take this post in the way it is intended - to reassure some of the doubters and give you some perspective on the actual way it is - not to sound defensive or oblivious to the issues raised. The fact this stimulates such debate is encouraging and with some patience and perseverance things will keep improving - in the meantime it's up to you if you still want to buy the mag or not.




[quote name='alexclaber' post='530357' date='Jul 2 2009, 10:38 AM']Whilst conversely some of the worst I've ever read were by Roger Newell in Bassist in the '90s. Everything was 'efficient' and could get that 'hollow' tone.[/quote]
:) :rolleyes: :lol: My pet hate too...sorry Rog.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='bumnote' post='530595' date='Jul 2 2009, 01:31 PM']Can Chris Squire play roundabout after 10 pints of lager and a curry[/quote]

Absolutely, I've seen him do it. :)

FWIW, I'd love Janek to keep contributing here, because he's at the top of the tree playing-wise. He may say some things I disagree with , but I disagree with myself half the time. :rolleyes: Oh, and he has one of the coolest looking basses I've ever seen (please, no further discussion on this point..).

Edited by 4000
Posted (edited)

[quote name='gwizmon' post='533251' date='Jul 5 2009, 07:51 PM']1) BGM don't pay me for writing for the magazine, or for appearing on the cover or for interviews.

2) I do not speak on behalf of them, I speak for myself.

3) You're right about the fodera angle, I really don't know why I waste my time talking about it.

4) Waldo and BBC wouldn't know about business if it knocked on their door and asked them to go to dinner. It's always personal, petty, and entirely bitter.

So, tell me..... why is it that people get offensive whenever anyone gets realistic, and have to sit back in their armchair and spurt abuse when things get slightly out of a warm and fuzzy comfort zone.

BBC just disagrees with everything that is written on here wether it's me writing or anyone else with a foot vaguely in the real world of bass playing or music.

So what's the point? and if Waldo's opening statement when I post here again is "Oh God.... He's back" .......

come on man, that's bul***t. I'm surprised everyone else is so passive and just puts up with it all.

There is no good way to bow out. But I don't need that kind of negative crap, I don't think anyone does. It's pretty amazing that in the tens of thousands of posts from countless hundreds of people on talkbass nothing like this ever happens.

why can't basschat keep it together in that respect? it's just a waste of time.[/quote]

What a shame, a real talent in the bass world comes to basschat and bins us because of idiots taking petty shots.

I feel ashamed on their behalf.


Edited by slaphappygarry

[quote name='slaphappygarry' post='534154' date='Jul 6 2009, 09:15 PM']What a shame, a real talent in the bass world comes to basschat and bins us because of idiots taking petty shots.

I feel ashamed on their behalf.


Sad isn't it.

We could learn a hell of a lot from the guy.


Always the way these days, somebody comes in with something positive and interesting and out come the idiots....bit predictable and boring really. Tell you what...I'm going to do a "during the war " waffle....when I was an idiot I would've been really up for a forum where every now and then a name player comes in or people that are involved with a magazine chip in. I can't see why you don't use these things to your advantage instead of just spewing out utter sh*te and trying to be a comedian...get a grip. You make me sick.


[quote name='Rayman' post='533907' date='Jul 6 2009, 04:42 PM'][i]To me[/i], Janek is a great player, and would be a valuable member of this community if the same old clowns didn't just rip him to bits every time he writes here, and it's the usual suspects every time.[/quote]

There are some people I regard as sensible making posts to this effect. I find it very strange. I've read back over the thread, and it's pretty clear that Janek took some comments way too seriously/personally, and was then unwilling listen to reason.

I too would love it if more pro players, especially someone of his caliber, would post more here. Someone suggested he post in the techniques section. I'm sure there would be no contentious posts in there for him to take the wrong way. He clearly doesn't want to contribute to the techniques section, so let's not get bent out of shape and blame our own members for "forcing him out".

[quote name='urb' post='534117' date='Jul 6 2009, 08:31 PM']With all due/total respect to you and everyone else who've been critical of BGM in this thread - there are plenty of BGM contributors who have read all the critical comments on here and they DO take them seriously.[/quote]

I haven't been critical about BGM at all, I made it quite clear i've never read an issue. I think it's great that contributors such as yourselves are here reading the comment. What I was really saying is that BGM need to make an official response. Even if it's just the editor coming on to make a post saying "Thanks for all your comments here, we couldn't improve our mag without your feedback, rest-assured we're reading your criticisms and are working to improve the magazine for all of you."


[quote name='cheddatom' post='534461' date='Jul 7 2009, 10:19 AM']What I was really saying is that BGM need to make an official response. Even if it's just the editor coming on to make a post saying "Thanks for all your comments here, we couldn't improve our mag without your feedback, rest-assured we're reading your criticisms and are working to improve the magazine for all of you."[/quote]

I don't agree they [b]need [/b]to make an official response but I know what you're getting at. The fact is the mag has improved an awful lot over the last three issues and a lot of the contributers have made it clear they read this thread and take on board comments.

As regards this Gwizmon nonsense, he's a very opinionated bloke and is naturally going to attract some flak. It's just a shame the flak he's had so far on this thread has been completely pointless and without merit or value. Now he's gone again and we are poorer for it.

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