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1981 Aria SB-1000 Electronics


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So I pulled my Aria SB-1000 fretless out of storage, popped fresh batteries in, and... no signal.


Checked over all of the obvious stuff (jack socket etc) but I think I'll need to find someone to look at it.


As I understand it, the active circuitry in there is a bit unconventional (18V, 2xPP3s). My normal guitar tech stared at it for a bit, scratching his head and decided he didn't want to touch it!


ISTR someone mentioning in a forum on here a guy who specialised in these basses & their weird electronics- but I can't find that post.


Anyone have any recommendations?



Thanks in advance

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I don't know if he still comes on here, but the chap that made replacement pre-amps for SB-1000s is Prostheta. He sells them on Ebay (or at least did a few years ago). They are not easy to reverse engineer as they are encased in potting compound


However if you need a replacement pickup, the most accurate reproduction is made by Rautia Guitars - they have a website. There are other replacement pickups available (e.g. Kent) but they are standard soapbars in SB-1 sized covers


Edit to say: both Prostheta and Rautia are based in Finland btw

Edited by Norris
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