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[quote name='thebeeps' post='48048' date='Aug 20 2007, 10:49 PM']You want 4k here or £3520 on Bass Vault .Make up your mind ![/quote]
480.00 to fly to the states and diliver it! mind is made up!

Posted (edited)

cool bass man, I'd love to play a fodera.. maybe in the next life. Anyway, are those regular pj emgs or custom/specially made for that bass?

Edited by guitarnbass

[quote name='guitarnbass' post='48533' date='Aug 21 2007, 08:34 PM']cool bass man, I'd love to play a fodera.. maybe in the next life. Anyway, are those regular pj emgs or custom/specially made for that bass?[/quote]
dunno :)


[quote name='G MAjor' post='47847' date='Aug 20 2007, 06:27 PM']yin yang wooten bass, signed in with fodera case and playing instructions! 4000.00[/quote]
SOLD! post! why did i have to enjure the critics? thanks for the welcome' peace, play, music, you can't hold no groove!


There are ways to say things and ways not to perhaps. Can understand why the guy is a bit miffed myself and is it really necessary to labelthis beautiful bass 'Pants'. You may not like it but does that make it so?

I don't suppose he'll be back.


[quote name='GreeneKing' post='49182' date='Aug 22 2007, 09:03 PM']There are ways to say things and ways not to perhaps. Can understand why the guy is a bit miffed myself and [b]is it really necessary to label this beautiful bass 'Pants'[/b]. You may not like it but does that make it so?

I don't suppose he'll be back.[/quote]

You are of course right, if someone thinks it's 'pants' that doesn't make it so. However if someone 'thinks' it's pants that is their right to say so!

I personally do not think that particular Fodera or others like it are beautiful, it may or may not be pants (for £4000 I hope it plays better than it looks) but I am entitled to an opinion. I'd also make the observation that some people may have given him a hard time over his attitude to selling that bass but looking back he didn't do himself a whole heap of favours. Luckily this world is made up of individuals and individuals have choices; someone chose to buy his bass, good for him and for them, he may or may not chose to come back (he didn't do too bad out of this forum... it scored him a £4000 sale) but me personally I wouldn't change a thing about this forum or how we address/respond to individuals posting on it!


No, warwickhunt, the approach to this was well out of order. The bass is highly sought after, why wouldn't he advertise it on the one single online bass community of the UK? It's the first thing I'd do if I was looking to sell a bass like this, get it on as many forums as possible. And despite what the other guy says, we're all quite capable of looking out for ourselves.


[quote name='guitarnbass' post='49259' date='Aug 23 2007, 12:14 AM']No, warwickhunt, the approach to this was well out of order. The bass is highly sought after, why wouldn't he advertise it on the one single online bass community of the UK? It's the first thing I'd do if I was looking to sell a bass like this, get it on as many forums as possible. And despite what the other guy says, we're all quite capable of looking out for ourselves.[/quote]

this is a new forum and just because someones first post is to sell a £4K top of the range bass is no reason to give him a hard time. If his second and third posts are also selling £4K basses then one might be entitled to question his commitment to the forum but there is nothing in the rules to stop people using it as a free e-bay.

What happened to David99 by the way?


[quote]nothing in the rules to stop people using it as a free e-bay.[/quote]

Especially when something like a fodera is on offer. We should have thanked him for coming here to let us know and for the lovely pictures, by right..


Given I've had a complaint about this thread, the matter is being taken up offline.

G_Major, I'm pleased you sold the fodera, its a lovely bass and we don't get enough of them here.


Can I respond?

At no point am I saying that it was an exemplary sale thread but the guy had more compliments about his bass then he had negative remarks. What I am pointing out is that people shouldn't be censored or vilified for challenging or making comments.

Any negativity surrounding this particular thread could be said to generate from the fact that some people wondered about the validity/authenticity of the sale... why shouldn't somebody ask questions? Yes most of us are big enough to look after ourselves and you'd have to be particularly naive to part with £4000 without asking questions but is it now a ruling we can't stick our noses in :)

Looking back over the thread, the seller could just as easily be accused of being... aggressive shall we say, some might say justifiably, I'm not saying one way or the other. However, in the first instance if he'd simply said, 'sure I can appreciate any concerns, here are a few more pics, I'm known to so-and-so'. I have no gripe with the guy or his first sale being a £4000 bass, bring it on it'd be lovely to see loads of top class basses etc being floated on here but you will always get someone who doesn't like the styling/condition/price and they'll stick their 2d worth in.

Live and let live I completely agree but please, lets keep it civil AND open!


[quote]However if someone 'thinks' it's pants that is their right to say so![/quote]

I agree. But I feel that it's the way that its said that may be significant. 'Not my cuppa', 'not to my taste', 'doesn't do it for me' etc are great as they are statments about the individuals taste and opinion. Even 'I think it just looks pants!' would be fine.

All I find a bit out of order are 'global statements' like in this case 'just looks pants', especially when someone is either airing their pride and joy or trying to sell it. Call me picky :)

Yes some folks do misrepresent their gear or price it too high but a polite pm, at least initially is I feel the way to go. It's usually a genuine mistake or lack of market awareness.

A complaint! This is a forum ferrcrissakes, can't it be sorted in the open, err, sorta 'forum'?


[quote name='GreeneKing' post='49349' date='Aug 23 2007, 09:39 AM']I agree. But I feel that it's the way that its said that may be significant. 'Not my cuppa', 'not to my taste', 'doesn't do it for me' etc are great as they are statments about the individuals taste and opinion. Even 'I think it just looks pants!' would be fine.[/quote]

If I was to say you were a tw*t officer would I get arrested?


However, if I was to [i]think[/i] you were a tw*t you couldn't do anything could you?


In that case I think you're a tw*t

You are of course correct, there are ways to phrase questions just as there are ways to phrase replies and I'm not siding with any party in this thread (I tend to play 'Devil's Advocate' in most debates/discussions among my friends & family); unfortunately we only get half of the true intent through the medium of written communication. We are limited by the ability of the person(s) to accurately phrase their intentions and we certainly are missing out on the clues that we have when we talk face to face. We don't get the verbal intonation, facial expressions and body language to help us decipher the true intent of a communication on this forum, so dissemination of what is stated needs to be teased out by open communication and debate...

However saying all of that... a complaint :)


hmmmm.... yeah all valid points - but i think that seller must have felt like he'd walked into the slaughtered lamb - 'you're not welcome here..stick to the road'!!

yes of course be wary of a newbie selling something straight away (especially a prestig£ bass like that) but to instantly assume he's a scammer without any evidence isn't good and theres ways and means to go about finding out if he's legit without dissing him. if he's a genuine bassist (and lets face it he probably is with a bass like that) he could well have useful things to contribute to the forum in the future once he's got the lie of the land - if he's made welcome as newbies should be. of course, once he's sold his bass we may never see him again..who knows!

anyways.... i'm basically typing as much as possible to avoid doing any work....bah....suppose i'd best get on!




Hehe, 'The meaning of your communication is the response you get'.

I like that. NLP stuff that took a while for me to understand.

Any language, written or otherwise will always be inadequate. I think that's a major reason there's so much misunderstanding in our human society worldwide.



[quote name='GreeneKing' post='49349' date='Aug 23 2007, 09:39 AM']A complaint! This is a forum ferrcrissakes, can't it be sorted in the open, err, sorta 'forum'?[/quote]

Normally, we prefer to deal with things offline.

By doing this, you guys stay positively focussed on the important stuff ie. talking about bass. The problem we get when things aren't dealt with offline is that there are some members who will undoubtedly feel compelled to express their opinions on the matter - as has already happened on this thread.

Those opinions may or may not necessarily be informed in any specific instance, and will raise questions which invariably need to be addressed also. It's sometimes very easy for the mods to find themselves embroiled in a conflict that they were originally supposed to resolve diplomatically and efficiently. Obviously this state of affairs isn't desirable, as the mods should be setting an example to others in their own conduct.

There are other times when there are issues of confidentiality that form the basis of a moderating decision which should be a matter just for the moderator and the individual concerned. In those circumstances the mods reserve the right to keep matters of personal confidence private. The mods should also be permitted to perform their role in these situations without fear of recrimination or bullying from third parties who have formed their own opinions about what has happened without necessarily being in possession of all the facts.

We're all human and sometimes mistakes are made by all sides so if you have a problem with a mod, then you should talk to Ped or myself as owners and underwriters of this forum. We will take it up with the mod concerned. We're not going to carry out a witch hunt but its important to make sure that any direct action taken is in proportion to the seriousness and long term impact caused by the issue(s) raised. So if you have a specific query about what has happened in a particular situation, feel free to PM Ped or myself and we will clarify things as much as we can.

I believe that any openness of exchange between an individual member and mod on solving any issues would be compromised if constantly subjected to the wider scrutiny and criticism of the membership. It's also far better for the general atmosphere on the forum if misunderstandings are dealt with on a 1:1 basis in private. It not only saves on bruised egos and potential embarrassment on all sides but it detracts from the general enthusiasm and positivity generated by you guys. Positivity that makes this such a great forum to be a part of! :) More importantly, it also allows facts to be checked and clarity to be achieved with a minimum of distraction. If a mod has just one person's issues to deal with, they're going to be more focussed on finding a resolution to the problem to hand than if they have to deal with a mob of diverse and strong opinions.

Lets keep things positive and stay focussed on bass, ok? :huh:


[quote name='G MAjor' post='47847' date='Aug 20 2007, 06:27 PM']yin yang wooten bass, signed in with fodera case and playing instructions! 4000.00[/quote]
nice bass G' if you don't sell the bass to quickly could you have time to copy the playing instructions'


[quote name='guitarnbass' post='49280' date='Aug 23 2007, 12:57 AM']Especially when something like a fodera is on offer. We should have thanked him for coming here to let us know and for the lovely pictures, by right..[/quote]
thanks for that, !! i logged in to sell the BASS, so what? it is part of the melting pot of forums and gear, if some logs in and offers to purchase a 4k bass would anyone pick up on it ? thats where the/a risk would be........ any way i'm not a big fan of tennis, :)


Ok excuse me if im talking out of turn but i think the best thing to do is if we all just start all over again and move on.

welcome to basschat

G major why dont you hang around there are some really cool people here and it really is a good place to be. why not ignore what has happened and post in the introducction section and tell us a bit about yourself. i guess you like wooten can you play any of his stuff?

what other gear do you use?

do you play in a band?

anything you can think to tell us.

i have gained a lot from this forum and im sure you can too and i bet if you have experience of very high quality equipment such as Fodera your input would be very interesting.

So what do you say i would like to get to know you so lets talk.

again sorry if i am out of turn


# 1 - It's a great instrument and i've spoken to Alex and he's a great Guy !

# 2 - It's "Bass" for christ sakes why do we all get so het up ! Nobody dissed your Girlfriend (Boyfriend)

# 3 - This forum gives people the opportunity to offer stuff for sale, nobody has to buy it at the sellers price or any other price. I can ask any price I want for anything ! you can choose to buy or not. I'm sick of reading smart arse comments from interfering busy bodies giving their opinion of somethings "value" or pointing out an online price it's worth what the buyer is prepared to pay for it.

# 4 - Why do people feel the need to offer opinions, comments, criticism etc on for sale threads, there are plenty other discussion areas on this great forum far better suited to debating the far end of a fodera....

The above is my opinion only, however what is fact is that most people on here can't afford or maybe justify £4k for a bass but that doesn't stop people wanting one ! it's petty jealousy driving the suspicion and bitching !

I've never seen so many "grown ups" acting like my kids, I bet some of you even hold down responsible jobs, go take a reality check and learn some scales !


[quote name='Marcus' post='49994' date='Aug 24 2007, 10:35 AM']# 2 - It's "Bass" for christ sakes why do we all get so het up ! Nobody dissed your Girlfriend (Boyfriend)

# 3 - This forum gives people the opportunity to offer stuff for sale, nobody has to buy it at the sellers price or any other price. I can ask any price I want for anything ! you can choose to buy or not. I'm sick of reading smart arse comments from interfering busy bodies giving their opinion of somethings "value" or pointing out an online price it's worth what the buyer is prepared to pay for it.

# 4 - Why do people feel the need to offer opinions, comments, criticism etc on for sale threads, there are plenty other discussion areas on this great forum far better suited to debating the far end of a fodera....[/quote]

Spot on.


One of the things I like about Basschat (and it's predecessors) is that I think people watch out for each other to make sure no one get's taken advantage of. That's a good thing, however, we have to be careful that we don't turn that attitude into a witch hunt. There's a classic example of another bass forum (which will remain nameless) which basically started the same way, then turned into a posse attacking people left, right and centre, often unfairly and with very little basis for the attacks. The intention was good, the "posse" thought they were protecting the members of the forum, but they became a police force unto themselves, and I think tended to alienate a lot of newbies in the process.

This is a good forum, guys, and it's good that people watch each other's backs. I'd just hate to see it get to the point where it got a reputation as an unfriendly forum because people took the policing attitude a little too far.


[quote name='bassaussie' post='50017' date='Aug 24 2007, 11:21 AM']One of the things I like about Basschat (and it's predecessors) is that I think people watch out for each other to make sure no one get's taken advantage of. That's a good thing, however, we have to be careful that we don't turn that attitude into a witch hunt. There's a classic example of another bass forum (which will remain nameless) which basically started the same way, then turned into a posse attacking people left, right and centre, often unfairly and with very little basis for the attacks. The intention was good, the "posse" thought they were protecting the members of the forum, but they became a police force unto themselves, and I think tended to alienate a lot of newbies in the process.

This is a good forum, guys, and it's good that people watch each other's backs. I'd just hate to see it get to the point where it got a reputation as an unfriendly forum because people took the policing attitude a little too far.[/quote]

I agree looking after children, the sick, the old and infirm is noble...... does anyone really need help in the way alluded to ?

OK so many a time i've paid £50 more for something than I could have done if i'd shopped around perhaps ! or I bought something on impulse without doing my homework. I got over it...... infact I wasn't bothered in the first place, I was happy with my purchase and my price. I wouldn't have thanked anyone for making me feel stupid and pointing out that I paid more than I needed.

I don't think what rears it's head on here is anything to do with "looking after" anyone else.... it's motivated by trying to spoil a deal for somebody, or put a spanner in the works. There's a sort of... "well I didn't get top $ for the last thing I sold so why the hell should this guy..... let's Piss on his chips"

Again....... I think it's motivated by envy in many cases.........

Let me say for the record, i've never had a sale "spoiled" on here so have no personal axe to grind on this issue, but I see it happening on threads and think it's wrong, this fodera sale is one of the prime (possibly worst) examples recently.......

Nothing is solved by committee, and an (initially) well intended "mob mentality" has caused many a problem in history

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