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Thinking out loud here. I’ve been around the bass world for a fair few years now, during which time I’ve seen the quoted ‘power’ of your average bass amp and speaker go through the roof. That, in combination with the death of my little TC Electronics BG250 208 combo (not that this was gigable) got me thinking. Is anyone producing a really gigable combo that could serve as a practice amp at home? I’m thinking something innovative, akin to the SWR Redhead when that first appeared. Maybe a two or three-way design with a proper mid-range driver? Maybe one for the cabinet designers on here to consider? Thoughts?


I think if you used an SWR Redhead for home practice you might get in trouble...
I used to own an original Ibanez Promethean P5110 combo which was plenty powerful for gigging. I replaced a MarkBass LittleMark and Aggie GS112 with it and didn't miss any volume whatsoever. Plenty loud enough for small gigs as long as you're not playing metal, and really useful for on stage monitoring too as it tilts back nicely. It was one of the rarer early class D amps rated at 500W that I think actually was 500W, or close anyway.

The more recent ones are pants, but the originals were amazing.

Anyway, there is actually one on FaceBook marketplace right now >> https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/562779298220694/

I might beat you to it though ;)





Really depends on what your parameters are regarding volume, size, portability etc.. I use a Fender Rumble 100 combo at home and for the smallest gigs but it wouldn't manage alongside a proper drum kit. Maybe a 200 would do the job.


I use a markbass cmd 121 300watt combo for smaller gigs.
It’s more than powerful enough for a loud drummer and guitarist.

there is an extension speaker available for even louder gigs. 

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55 minutes ago, Hobbayne said:

I use a markbass cmd 121 300watt combo for smaller gigs.
It’s more than powerful enough for a loud drummer and guitarist.

there is an extension speaker available for even louder gigs. 

That would be my suggestion too, great modular set-up.


I wouldn't bother with 3 driver cabs. They are rare, difficult to do well and consequently likely to be expensive if they are any good - something like the Fearless F112, for example. Good quality modern drivers reach well up/down into the midrange. 


They're all expensive and rare but any of the AER combos would fit the bill.  The amp one is a single 10" and the smallest of the trio but definitely gigable.

The amp two is the daddy.  A 12" and a 4" speaker.  Very clear in tone and as loud as needed for any pub gig. I gigged one for years and it was never wanting.

The amp three is a 2 x 8" combo and is simply stunningly brilliant.


I've owned the amp one and two and they're excellent.  I've heard an amp three at an outdoor gig and couldn't believe my ears.  As I said, they aren't cheap but you'll only have to buy once.


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