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Quick question. Are the cabs the same for the fender stage 800 and rumble 500? ie will a rumble 2x10 pair exact with a stage 800? And are they the same speakers inside?


The Rumble 500 combo has two 16-ohms ceramic 10" speakers, internally connected in parallel to create an 8 ohms load. Fender rates it for 350 watts internal only, 500 watts with 8 ohms extension.

The Rumble 800 combo has two 16-ohms ceramic 10" speakers, internally connected in parallel to create an 8 ohms load. Fender rates it for 400 watts internal only, 800 watts with 8 ohms extension.

The Rumble 210 cabinet has two 16-ohms ceramic 10" speakers, internally connected in parallel to create an 8 ohms load. Fender rates it for 350 watts continuous.

Although Fender isn't explicit, I'd say there's a very good chance that they are indeed the same speakers in all. It looks like the cabinet was designed to be paired with the combos and should provide a large degree of "sameness".  @agedhorsemight have some relevant insight.


But you could use any 4- or 8-ohms cabinet with the combos, from the vendor of your choice.


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