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Some of you may have seen my Alembic Spyder bass in the sale section. I had listed it on Reverb, the Alembic forum and eventually on eBay as well, where it received a few enquiries, most of which were from outside the UK.


I didn't really want to ship it anywhere, firstly because of the value (I would have gone out of my way to a UK buyer personally to ensure no loss or damage) and secondly because the bass in its case weighed over 40lbs, not to mention that I didn't have anything large enough to put the whole thing in.


Mid-January, I received another message from someone who was interested in buying the bass....but he lived in the USA. After some messaging back and forth, temporarily suspending my worries about it getting lost and/or damaged, I agreed to look into it thinking that the cost of shipping this behemoth would most likely rule out any further interest from my prospective buyer. Here are the quotes from UPS:




I must admit, the quotes weren't as high as I thought they were going to be given the size, weight and value. I sent them over to the buyer, let's calls him B, and he was happy to pay if I was prepared to get it organised. I have to admit to sitting there thinking about it for a while, but I figured if it managed to arrive in this country in one piece, why not the other way around?


Now I've shipped a few basses in my time, internationally too, but this is the most expensive and heaviest one by far and over the furthest distance. I think my previous record was Kazakhstan (don't ask).


First I had to make a custom box. Fortunately my neighbours had bought a large piece of furniture which came wrapped in cardboard, so I saved the bin men a job and stashed it away in my garage. It took me and my son over an hour to pack the bass, make one cardboard box, wrap that in bubble wrap and then make another box to go around that. I think we did a pretty good job.




After B had decided which shipping method he wanted (UPS Express Saver) and paid for everything in full, I then booked the shipping online. I've never used UPS before, but I found their online system to be very intuitive - a heck of a lot easier than some basses I've sent via DHL etc. Even better was the fact that the earliest collection date was the day after I booked it. Very efficient. It turns out that up to this point i.e. UPS taking the not inconsiderable sum of several hundred pounds from us, this was by far the easiest and trouble free part of the story.


My collection slot was between 12 midday and 5pm on Thursday 3rd February.


We live in a close. It's easy enough to get into. Tesco and Sainsbury's seem to have no bother with home deliveries. About 10am on the Thursday I happened to see a UPS van at the end on the close. It turned in, turned around and left again without coming anywhere near the house. Odd thinks I, but you can guess what is coming. It gets to 5 pm and I've been in all day. No-one has come near the house at all. It gets to 5.15 (see what I did there?) and I decide to ring UPS.


Getting through to UPS isn't the easiest thing I've ever done. Ringing the main number doesn't give an option to speak with a human. You have to wait to get through a whole cycle of the options and then say 'Customer Service Representative' and it attempts to connect you. I spoke with someone who said the driver called and there was no reply at the address. Unable to contain my disbelief, I let a 'well that's bo11ocks' slip out before I knew I had said it. The female American voice didn't seem to register what I had said, but got the gist that I wasn't happy and arranged for the local UPS depot to ring me back. I put the phone down thinking I'll be ringing them back sometime tomorrow, when much to my surprise my mobile rang about half an hour later - and it was UPS!


I explained that I had been in all day and that the lady I had spoke to initially said the driver called with no reply. This second lady couldn't apologise more if she tried. She said 'I don't know why he didn't get to you, but I can see he didn't' (presumably though tracking). I'm not sure why the first person I spoke to couldn't see that, but never mind. She arranged for a driver who was just ending his shift to divert to me on his way back from Southend to make the collection. I thank her and we end the call. A UPS driver, a very nice man, calls 30 minutes later and collects the bass. I message B to say it's on it's way. B is happy.


The following morning my mobile rings. The conversation starts thusly:


Man: You booked a shipping through UPS 

Me: Sorry, who is this?

Man: UPS Exports Dept. You booked a shipment to err.....Dallas

Me: Yes

Man: What's it made of?

Me: Wood and strings mainly

Man: Is this as a business or a one off?

Me: A one-off. I've never used UPS before

Man: Has it got any Rosewood in it?

Me: No

Man: Oh, that should be OK then. As long as it hasn't got any Rosewood in it

Me: I can send you the full manufacturers spec which I just happen to have in front of me, along with the original build certificate from them if that helps?

I then read him the full spec of the bass including materials

Man: That would great

He gives me his e-mail address

Me: Is there anything else there we should be worried about?

Man: No. That sounds fine to me

Call ends.


The UPS system is set up to notify of any changes or updates to your shipment. It works well. I was informed it had been held prior to export and that UPS man had then cleared it and off it went.


The bass was scheduled to be delivered on Monday 7th February. I could see from tracking that it made it over the Atlantic. B can see this too as I signed him up for e-mail updates as well.


I continue to receive updates and I notice one that says 'your package has been held by a 'Government Agency' as there is no Harmonisation Code on the package invoice. I'm not surprised there isn't because firstly I wasn't asked for one and secondly I don't know what that is anyway.


I contact the UPS Export Man (I have his e-mail address and his mobile number so he can't ignore me) and ask him what is going on. UPS Export Man, who works for one of the largest international shipping organisations in the world, says he can't access any of the USA UPS systems or speak to the UPS people in the USA!! Well, one things for sure, I'm not ringing them from here! I explain about the missing code. He is no help.


Fortunately, B is switched on and gets on the phone to UPS over there. Eventually he manages to speak with someone who finds out the bass is being held in Kentucky - which is not close to Dallas - roughly 15 hours away. They require him to give his Social Security number for reasons that we've never got to the bottom of. Various phone calls, e-mails and enquiries are made by him. We look into the code and find a massive list online and agree one that fits electric guitar. They seem happy with this.


It then appears there is a problem because the bass has Mother of Pearl inlays in the fretboard. I receive an e-mail from the Fish & Wildlife Analyst at the UPS Brokerage Office asking for the following information:


"Please assist in providing a detailed invoice listing the scientific name (genus and species), source (wild, captive) and country of origin of the mother of pearl inlay included in this shipment."


My heart sinks. I didn't have any of the answers to these questions. Fortunately, I knew someone who did. Mica at Alembic.


I've had a few conversations with Mica in the past and she has always been super helpful. This time was no exception. She came back to me within 24 hours with the following:


"Hello! I see you have run into the Fish and Wildlife Department and form 3-177.


The mother of pearl we use is:

Field 16a (Genus Species): Pinctada Maxima

Field 16b (Common Name): Oyster

Field 18a (Description): SPR

Field 18b (Source): C

Field 20 (Origin): PH


This means the mother of pearl originated from a captive breeding program (pearl farm) in the Phillippines. SPR is the code for "shell product"

Hopefully this is enough information to clear up the issues you are experiencing. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.


Best regards,




I send this information off to UPS Brokerage and after another few calls by B, they seem to be happy.


We receive e-mail updates that the bass has been cleared. We then receive e-mails saying the bass is being held pending payment of import taxes.


Question: Does a bass that was made in the USA and is then exported become liable to duties if it comes back into the USA?

Actual Answer: No.

UPS Answer: Yes.


There was no getting around this. The charge had to be paid or they weren't going to deliver it. End of.


B got his credit card out and paid UPS over the phone having been advised that the correct answer is 'No' and that there is a process to challenge it and get the payment refunded.


Everyone seems to be happy again and we are back on track for delivery, although he tracking shows it as 'on the way' (not to be confused with 'out for delivery' which is the next step after 'on the way') with no delivery time/date shown.


B gets on the phone again. Tracking gets updated. By Friday the 11th, the shipment is now shown as 'out for delivery' by 7pm which is 1am Saturday in the UK. I'm not going to get any sleep until I know how this pans out, so I may as well stay up.


We get to 6.55pm Dallas time and B sends me a message saying the van has just pulled up - then nothing....


I then get this message:

"The UPS guy wouldn't give it to me because I paid the duties online, like I was supposed to. Tried to leave with the guitar. I grabbed at it and he then flew into a rage and thought I was trying to hit him. Had to write another check for $613 that I'm going to have to cancel. He said it doesn't matter if his little digital pad doesn't show it and then threw the box about just to be a Richard".


This tale does have a fairytale ending though. B opened the box and the bass was it had left me and he couldn't be happier.


Never say never again, but never again.




  • Like 17
  • Sad 5

That sounds like quite a stressful time, it’s a good job Mica at Alembic helped you with that information otherwise how would you know stuff like that, glad it worked out well for you in the end hiram 👍

  • Like 3

Wow. That's a whole lot worse than my unsatisfactory sale of an Alembic to a Belgian BCer, where Brussels customs held on to the bass for nearly a month. I (and the buyer) had to make multiple calls to UPS in the UK and Belgium and lastly to Brussels customs to speak to someone who - in the last case - was pretty much incapable of understanding English (cue my poor Franglais as I don't speak Belgian). All very frustrating and the amount of time expended and stress explains why its UK only sales only for me (unless the other party is prepared to deal with all the bureaucracy).

  • Like 1

BTW the company I work for uses UPS both locally throughout the UK and also for our main imports from Germany and Poland (where our main factories are situated). We have a fecking account and ship best part of 50 packages a day, and we have no direct personal contact. They are a fecking NIGHTMARE to get hold of. The fact you managed to get someone’s mobile number and email address is pretty impressive @hiram.k.hackenbacker:)

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Grahambythesea said:

Next time stick to U.K. sales only.


Ah, but I have made one Dallas resident a very happy man indeed. All in all, definitely worth the hassle.


1 hour ago, Reggaebass said:

That sounds like quite a stressful time, it’s a good job Mica at Alembic helped you with that information otherwise how would you know stuff like that, glad it worked out well for you in the end hiram 👍


Mica is a star. I really don't know what we would have done without her. I guess I could have asked on the Alembic Forum, but at least I know coming from her that the info is 100% accurate.


39 minutes ago, Bunion said:

Sounds like it would have been cheaper for him to book a flight and collect it 🤣😂


I think he would have till struggled sneaking it into the country.


14 minutes ago, Twincam said:

I honestly thought this was going to end in disaster. Glad all finally went well. 



You said don't ask but 

This other bass to Kazakhstan???


There was a point during all of this when I thought so too.

Kazakhstan was another Alembic. Actually a lot less hassle for me, but a little more worrisome as he sent a shipping agent to collect it and I had no way of tracking it. It arrived safe and sound though.

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, Merton said:

BTW the company I work for uses UPS both locally throughout the UK and also for our main imports from Germany and Poland (where our main factories are situated). We have a fecking account and ship best part of 50 packages a day, and we have no direct personal contact. They are a fecking NIGHTMARE to get hold of. The fact you managed to get someone’s mobile number and email address is pretty impressive @hiram.k.hackenbacker:)

I'm glad it's not just me then.

I would never have had his mobile number though if he hadn't rung me on it 😂.

He had to give me his e-mail for the spec list and certificate of authenticity.


18 minutes ago, hiram.k.hackenbacker said:

I think he would have till struggled sneaking it into the country.

Well, next time I offer you £500 for a bass you really should consider the stress I’d save you… 🤣😂

  • Haha 3

Man, what a story. Almost Spinal Tap-ish ("Please assist in providing a detailed invoice listing the scientific name (genus and species), source (wild, captive) and country of origin of the mother of pearl inlay" - Really?). At least it ended well.

I sell all my basses via BD. Ok, It costs me 20% but it saves me hassle like the one you experienced. 

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Eldon Tyrell said:

It costs me 20% but it saves me hassle like the one you experienced. 

20% of 10k though 😖

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Bunion said:

20% of 10k though 😖

Good point. Fortunately, I don't have any basses that are worth 10k 🙂 

BTW, for three of the four basses BC sold for me, I actually ended up with more money, even after the 20% cut, than what I had paid for them (all used basses I have to say though) 😍

  • Like 1

Blimey what a nightmare but glad it came good in the end. I put my Stanley Clarke deluxe up for sale on the alembic FB page early last year, I stipulated U.K. only sale but a guy from Corsica wanted it so badly I relented and agreed. He asked me to send it fedex express which I did. First and only time I’ve ever done it and boy was I nervous but it was delivered ahead of schedule in 2.5 days undamaged. What a relief that was, and reading this guess I was very lucky but not sure I’d do it again after hearing this 🙁

  • Like 1

You’re braver than me. I have posted a bass abroad, but only to Europe, and that was before Brexit. I wouldn’t again - especially after reading your story.


I’m glad it arrived safe and sound in the end.

  • Like 1

So the country that invented depleted uranium artillery shells makes a fuss over the type of mother of pearl? Odd priorities!


What a palavar.  I'm glad it made it there safely.

Posted (edited)

What a story and thanks for sharing it in all its gory details. Stroke of luck that Mica and Alembic value their customers enough to have the information to hand and want to assist. I can’t imagine many manufacturers would have a clue or bother getting involved. 
Glad it all worked out eventually!

Edited by Dazed
  • Thanks 1
11 minutes ago, Dazed said:

What a story and thanks for sharing it in all its gory details. Stroke of luck that Mica and Alembic value their customers enough to have the information to hand and want to assist. I can’t imagine many manufacturers would have a clue or bother getting involved. 
Glad it all worked out eventually!

Yes, that definitely played into our favour. Can you imagine getting that info from a mass production manufacturer.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, hiram.k.hackenbacker said:

Yes, that definitely played into our favour. Can you imagine getting that info from a mass production manufacturer.

I guess it would be useful to keep a note of that information to trot out if asked again in the future whether it actually applies or not. It’s clearly an acceptable answer and how are they going to know if it’s true or not?

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