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Can anyone suggest what to look for in a beginner/starter bow please?

I have a German bow I picked up but simply can't get on with the technique, so I would like to get a French bow.  I am literally starting out on DB, having played electric for a few years. I mainly play pizz stuff but there are some tunes which need arco but it isn't going to be my main focus. 


I appreciate that like everything, as you get better, it's worth spending more on better equipment, but I'm some way off that for now. 


I see Bassbags offer a beginner's French bow for sort of £60-odd - I'm assuming this will probably do me for a while? Any other suggestions?


That will do. Bass bags don't sell any total rubbish. 


It is always easier to play with a better bow though and there's a world of difference between my £300 one and my £1000 one.


Either get over to Derby and try a few at bass bags or get them to send you three or four up to £150 or so.  Hold and play with them without looking at the prices... might be the cheapest that you like best.  NB the composite bows at the bottom end of the market are not great, best stick with wood.

  • Thanks 1

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