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Too much secret sauce ruins the meal! (Mosky XP Booster, Xotic EP Booster clone, content)

Baloney Balderdash

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So by a whim I decided to order a Mosky XP Booster, which is a clone of the Xotic EP Booster, that I just received with the mail today, but after experimenting with different placements in my signal chain, as well as minor adjustments of the gain of my other always on pedals, including trying out how leaving some out all together, to counter the slight volume boost that comes with this pedal engaged, even with the boost knob at minimum position, I concluded it was no good for my setup.


I mean the thing is everything it is advertised to be, seriously fattens up the tone and adds a certain extra vibrant dimension of presence and life to it, just that in my case it worked something like drowning a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and chocolate mouse in the middle in chocolate sauce, just turning everything into a mush, a delicious sounding mush for certain, but non the less mush, just drowning any sense of definition and articulation in the process.


To let people know the context I already send the signal from my 28.6" tenor bass, tuned to G standard tuning, 3 half steps above regular 4 string E standard tuning, though following always on secret souse units: a TC Electronic SpectraComp, dialed in with a customized Toneprint to add extra punch, snap and bite, but without effecting playing dynamics much, and mixed with parallel clean signal, then going into a Boss LS-2 that mix parallel clean signal with a low gain overdrive from a Joyo Orange Juice, stacked into another LS-2, that mixes another Joyo Orange Juice, dialed in to a low gain overdrive, with parallel clean signal, and then into my Zoom G1Xon with an always on patch consisting of a very subtle plate reverb stacked into a subtle spring reverb, then after that an EHX Black Finger, used as a tube preamp stage, with the optical compression circuit practically dialed out of the equation, dialed in to mild tube breakup, and finally into an Art Tube MP Project Series tube preamp, also dialed in to a mild tube breakup.


I don't really know what I expected to happen, I was already extremely satisfied with my tone, and it already sounded gloriously full, vibrant and present, I guess I just hoped I could somehow take that up yet another nudge, without even being able to imagine what that nudge could possibly be, and I do think the Mosky XP did in fact deliver just that, it's just that adding more air to a perfectly inflated balloon doesn't equal an even more perfectly inflated balloon, but in fact rather in best case a way too bloated balloon, in worst case a balloon blown to pieces.


Adding yet another always on secret sauce pedal just happened to be what tipped the balance from deliciously tasty to obnoxiously nauseous.


Simply too much of the good stuff.


Of course this is a horrible analogy of what really happened, I guess what actually happened was the signal getting over saturated and cluttered with added and enhance harmonic content, in other words an already perfectly full sounding signal getting too fat and bloated.



However I can still absolute recommend the Moksy XP Booster to anyone who actually are in need of fattening up their signal and adding an extra vibrant dimension of presence and life to their tone.


One should probably be aware though that what it adds is pretty far from as subtle as the various YouTube demos featuring it might otherwise suggest.

Edited by Baloney Balderdash
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I bought one to try a while back. 

It sounded good in my rig in solo practice, but when in the mix, made very minimal difference.


I moved it to my guitar board, and WOW!

pushing a mid gain drive gives it the harmonic complexity that I had been yearning for in that rig straight to PA.


£15 well spent as far as I'm concerned 

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