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Flying Whales


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I decided to learn Flying Whales by Gojira, I knew it would be interesting but as I listen to it more closely to work it out, I'm starting to realise this could be one of the all time great metal bass lines buried in a guitar heavy mix. It seems a shame they didn't have the bass much higher in the mix.


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1 hour ago, SteveXFR said:

I decided to learn Flying Whales by Gojira, I knew it would be interesting but as I listen to it more closely to work it out, I'm starting to realise this could be one of the all time great metal bass lines buried in a guitar heavy mix. It seems a shame they didn't have the bass much higher in the mix.


I always thought that album had a pretty decent bass presence.

Either way, it's one of the definitive metal albums of the past... well, ever, really.

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19 minutes ago, Cosmo Valdemar said:

I always thought that album had a pretty decent bass presence.

Either way, it's one of the definitive metal albums of the past... well, ever, really.


There's so much going on with the guitars and drums that its easy to overlook the bass.

I really like what Gojira have achieved. They have that rare thing where every band member is incredibly talented and creative. I really like their creativity and originality.

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The bass seems pretty well balanced in the mix. I like the instrumentation at the start, and as you say, the sound of the bass and the atmosphere - a bit repetitive, but I think that is the point to build up. I really liked it until the singing, at which point I was out, but sounds like a good bass line to learn.

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To my ears most metal bands sound pretty much like one another within whatever sub-genres they belong to whether metalcore, black metal, death metal etc. Gojira is one of the very few exceptions that have an individual sound. I also like their environmental stance which is a nice change from the usual subject matter and they're unusual in not being heavily tattooed. I agree that there's some tasty basswork going on but as with Lamb of God you have to focus your ears quite hard to appreciate it.

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1 hour ago, Woodinblack said:

Certainly, My bass playing is much more harsh since I got my tattoos, and the more red they are, they harsher they sound!


Do you find that when they're fresh the tone is brighter?

I've not taken any notice but now I think about it, my sound gets darker as I get more tattoos. 

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2 hours ago, SteveXFR said:


Do you find that when they're fresh the tone is brighter?

I've not taken any notice but now I think about it, my sound gets darker as I get more tattoos. 


Yeh, well you expect the sound to mellow when your tattoos fade. Luckily I have some tattoos done by Dan Gold with his own ink at the time on my chest which are almost as bright as 10 years ago when they were done, so it keeps a nice bright top end!

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