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Boss WL20 wireless

Guest BassAdder27

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I used one from about Sep 2018 to Dec 2019 on a weekly basis, both rehearsals and gigs, never any issues at all. I`ve still got it and it still works so although they say that once the battery goes that`s it, bin time, it seems that the battery will take a lot of recharging before finally giving up.


We also used to play some pretty big stages and the only time I had a very minor problem was when one of the security staff stood with his foot virtually on it, so stopped the signal intermittently.

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Our singer uses a wireless IEM system 


Do you think it would interfere at all ? 

I’ve tried wireless before Line 6 G30 but sold it on as didn’t like the strap pouch transmitter idea 


I’ve got a budget one Legato as well so I’m aware of the way they work etc 


I do seem to be standing on my lead more and more and tripping myself up ( that’s never good lol ) 

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Our guitarist used to use the Xvive U2 wireless system, so as the WL20 would scan for the best frequency to use I`d wait for him to get sorted, then plug mine in, it then apparently would avoid the frequency he was at, or at least that`s how I understand it, but whatever the science behind it all they never interfered.

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