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ON HOLD: Fretless Fender (Japan) Jazz, c. 1989-90 - *SOLD*
West Oxfordshire


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I got this bass in 2018 after looking for one since the 1990s with no success. But, as I can play the DB that's inevitably what everyone asks for and this Fender never gets played any more. When fretless is called for my other one (which no-one will want to buy) usually fits the bill better.

Therefore, it might as well be offered to someone who will make good use of it rather than sit in a corner in its (somewhat tatty, Thomann-branded) case.

The only changes since I got it are a professional setup and the fitting of TI Jazz flatwounds. The strap can be included, if you want it.

I don't plan to drop the price as I don't really need to sell this, and I'm not interested in trades at the moment - sorry about that.


Apologies for the poor photos; having some trouble with the phone camera.





Edited by knirirr
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Here's a view of the markers.
I note that there are a couple of similar unlined fretless basses for sale here at the moment, a P and a PJ. Of course, when I was trying to buy one there were none to be had anywhere!



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On 25/07/2022 at 10:59, knirirr said:

when I was trying to buy one there were none to be had anywhere!

Happens to me a lot even in the grocery stores :)Ā 

i bet this one sounds great and good luck with the sale !

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  • knirirr changed the title to SOLD: Fretless Fender (Japan) Jazz, c. 1989-90
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