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5 hours ago, Greg Edwards69 said:

FWIW I ended up forgoing the all-in-one backup and performance tool. The device I want doesn't exist - at least not in my budget.


So I now have the Boss Pocket GT as a practice tool and recently bought the Sonicake "Boom Avenue" flyrig as a hope-I-don't-need-to-use-it backup for gigs. It's okay, but I'm still considering getting the Sansamp Bass Flyrig V2 instead if I can find one for a good price - I could easily gig with one of them instead of the Helix (as long as I don't have to pitch shift.


Even though the Boss Pocket GT doesn't have bass amp models per se, I think it sounds much, much better than the P1. And the built in bass presets are usable without any tweaking. The only downside is the transport controls are all but useless since Youtube changed their restriction algorithms. It can be controlled with a wireless footswitch like the P1/P2, which could make it a viable live tool, but like yourself, the price then creeps up and you may as well use a more appropriate multifx device. Not to mention, I'm not convinced the headphone output going direct to FOH would be as good as a dedicated line out or XLR DI out on other "gig ready" devices.


FYI, whilst I’ve just rebought it, I sold the Capo because I felt the Boom Ave was 95% there on the sound/magic the Capo had. With an Octaver, Comp/Boost/Mute Switch and Big Muff Fuzz it’s everything I likely need on a gig, but with the above post, bigger than the zoom, no headphone, no battery or phantom power to power it, no bluetooth, yadda yadda.


But as a grab and go rig, I think it’s better than the Sansamp Flyrig (either version)

13 hours ago, tayste_2000 said:

Currently I have (far too much) an Audient Audio Interface, NUX Mighty Plug, NUX Mighty Plug Pro, Zoom MS60b, Zoom MS70CDR, Sonicake Boom Ave.


The NUX Mighty Plug was great and the Mighty Plug Pro should have been an upgrade and for the most part it is, the USB C means I can charge it with the same cable I charge everything else, it works as an audio interface with my iPad and I can bluetooth music too it from my phone, it’s also got IR loading so you can get a really nice sound out of it.


All of this is great except, no octaver, no weird fx, interface doesn’t lend itself to heavily messing with fx (I tend to use it as an amp, ir and maybe compression) can only ever be used as a practice device and finally has a weird digital rattle in the high end which is audible when playing on your own. I’ll probably just suck it up and wait until a Pro 2 or 3 comes out.


Then I have the Zoom’s (I have 2 so I don’t have to always carry one, one is with me and one is in the UK currently), I can transfer settings and swap fx between them. I can hack fx from the CDR on to the B and vice versa and if I need another I can pick them up for £50 ish and load the same fx and presets on quickly. It sounds pretty good,  (far better than the 506 of my youth), I can get some really obscure sounds that stop me from buying really expensive pedals, it runs on usb, 9v standard and AA’s so I can leave it in the case when checking, also means I get to a jam I can just throw it down on the floor and be away.


Issues with it are no usb c,, no simple master volume control to knock down a patch you’ve set too loud in your bedroom, no headphone so I have to use the NUX with it, which means I’m rarely playing with the amps in the Zoom because the NUX sounds lacklustre without one on and switching between multiple devices and interfaces isn’t conducive to creativity or simply playing.


These 2 basically do everything I need (but not want).


Whatever I have above I also need a DI box, maybe that’s all I’ll take on a gig but it’s not all I’m carrying with me.


So the device now that has me most tempted currently is the Kemper Player, it’s bigger than everything mentioned but smaller than everything I’m carrying. The only issue for me is power and usb.


This has lead me almost full circle to the Line 6 HX Stomp (which for some reason I’ve resisted massively even though an M13 replaced a huge pedalboard for me), again bigger than the Zoom and NUX, similar power issues to the Kemper but people have powered these from usb battery packs and 9v converters. I can live with the USB B adaptor that would be required on the Kemper. The cons are then a lack of bluetooth streaming (I can get round this with a 12 south airfly I use to connect my airpods to plane entertainment systems) and using this in the fx loop return is also how I can use the HX as an IEM mixer live, but finally no xlr.


Other things I’ve tried, audio interface and apps. This was my main gig rig for ages, I had a tiny line 6 sonic port, moved away from rigs and fx completely. Until a disastrous iOS update stopped the interface working. Since then much has changed, there are some really great usb c interfaces that work with my ipad (not my phone yet sadly, or not without more adaptors) and apps like Tonex are far beyond what once replaced my rig. But taking a £1500 iPad Pro that is your main work device and you make all your income on to a jam night?


Or taking your phone and having it on that same stage (when it’s the thing that holds copies of your passport, all your banking info, all your flight tickets) what do you do if that gets smashed up because you wanted to play mustang sally one night in Buenos Aires.


So I could get an iRig HD or similar and replace the NUX (but even that minimal equipment isn’t as quick and easy as the NUX) and there is this issue of with the NUX you can turn the device up and bluetooth down (or volume on your phone down) when using an audio interface there is one volume, so you find yourself turning up volumes and gain on amp sims to match the music volume.


13 hours ago, tayste_2000 said:

FYI, whilst I’ve just rebought it, I sold the Capo because I felt the Boom Ave was 95% there on the sound/magic the Capo had. With an Octaver, Comp/Boost/Mute Switch and Big Muff Fuzz it’s everything I likely need on a gig, but with the above post, bigger than the zoom, no headphone, no battery or phantom power to power it, no bluetooth, yadda yadda.


But as a grab and go rig, I think it’s better than the Sansamp Flyrig (either version)

I have Mighty Plug (the original non-pro version) and used to have a couple of MS60B units. I largely agree with all your sentiments there.


The Mighty plug is okay, but lacks crucial features for me such as octaver and pitch-shift, and the Bluetooth audio is too bass heavy. It's also not appropriate for live use, even as just a backup device.


The MS60b is still quite a good unit and I sometimes wish I had kept one. But to use it in a live situation without backline, it would need a separate DI box. Not a huge dealbreaker, but it's extra faff. The lack of Bluetooth and headphone output for home practice is a problem as well, and IIRC, the pitch-shifting is diabolical.


I've done the iRig HD with iPad/iPhone. I never really took to it and I wouldn't want to rely on that as a foolproof backup.


I considered the HX Stomp and the Hotone Ampero Stomp and Mini. They would work great as backup devices, but again, no Bluetooth streaming or battery power for quick home practice. By the time I've plugged in teh necessary power, USB, guitar and headphone cables I may as well use my Helix LT. That new Kemper looks cool too, but it's a lot of money for a backup device.


I thought the P1 would do it all, practice tool, backup device for gigs and interface. But I was sorely disappointed with the sound quality. I did not like it at all. The P2 doesn't offer anything that would make me want to dip my toes back in the P series waters either.


So, like you, there's not a do it all device that fits my requirements and budget at the moment. And also like you, I've split it between two devices. The Boss Pocket GT has everything I need from a practice device, and the Sonicake Boom Ave is a fool proof emergency backup at a price I don't care spending for something I hope I won't need. It's also analogue which makes it quick to dial in without any faffing around. It only missed a pitch-shifter, but if I really needed to use it for a gig, we'd simply skip those songs that need it. I'm still keen on the Sansamp FlyRig V2 - it has more features that I'd find useful and I think for some gigs where I need to travel light, I could happily use it instead of the Helix, but I'd struggle to do that with just the Sonicake.

  • Like 1

We do of course have Namm next weekend so maybe we get lucky with a new release.


@Greg Edwards69 I agree with everything you’ve said there.


The Kemper I can justify price wise as it would just be my rig, main and practice and then I can take my chances on backups when travelling and on a solid gig I have a DI box in every gig bag anyway.


But I want FX more than I want amp sims, I’ll get the Noble capture on the Kemper and never touch another model I’m sure of it.


Additionally before someone brings it up the new Zoom MS50G+ still no headphone or bluetooth but it does have USB C, but the fx list is way less than the current offering, no bass fx and all the fun stuff has gone. Additionally if you can’t hack them they’re worse and currently no one knows if you can.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

My wish would be for Line 6 to update the Pocket Pod concept with Helix algorithms that they currently use in the Pod Go, Bluetooth streaming, tuner, headphone out, rechargeable via USB-C, and a main output that can be configured to instrument and line level (as they did with the HX One). A mobile app for editing would be a plus, but I'd settle for HX Edit on a laptop.


One can only hope.

Edited by Greg Edwards69
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Posted (edited)

A bit off topic, but the Zoom B-6 is looking pretty good to me, there are a couple for sale on here for about £250.


  • All effects/Amps etc are Bass specific
  • 2x switchable inputs (So I could sell my LS-2 that I use for switching basses. My usual justification maths for multi-fx goes along the lines of - if it replaces enough individual pedals without losing functionality/sound quality it makes financial sense. Selling LS-2, TU-3, BB-1X, LMB-3 probably covers it without losing functionality)
  • XLR DI with ground lift (no need for my DI box)
  • Aux in and Bluetooth (Bluetooth is an extra £34 adapter though)
  • Headphone out
  • Drum loops
  • Zoom tend to be alright for synth stuff
  • Zoom things tend to be reliable (or they have been for me).

Obviously that's not a pocket sized unit though! Still, for not much more ££ than the P2 it could do a decent all-in-one job for home practice, band rehersals, and probably has the connections/sounds/footswitches etc. I need for live stuff.


The thing that always let's multi-fx down for me is when you need that decent envelope filter, or synth, or whatever else the unit doesn't do well you need the individual pedal - which then needs a power supply, and a pedalboard, and before long individual pedals start to take over again!



Edited by SumOne
44 minutes ago, SumOne said:


The thing that always let's multi-fx down for me is when you need that decent envelope filter, or synth, or whatever else the unit doesn't do well you need the individual pedal - which then needs a power supply, and a pedalboard, and before long individual pedals start to take over again!




This every time

2 hours ago, SumOne said:

The thing that always let's multi-fx down for me is when you need that decent envelope filter, or synth, or whatever else the unit doesn't do well you need the individual pedal - which then needs a power supply, and a pedalboard, and before long individual pedals start to take over again!

I really wish multi effects units included 9v outputs for the odd external pedal, or wireless receiver.

  • Like 3
3 hours ago, SumOne said:

The thing that always let's multi-fx down for me is when you need that decent envelope filter, or synth, or whatever else the unit doesn't do well you need the individual pedal - which then needs a power supply, and a pedalboard, and before long individual pedals start to take over again!

I must say this is where the Zoom products always win over their more illustrious competitors. To my ears anyway.

  • Like 1

Just got back to the US where I left the older Nux Mighty Plug, it sounds much better than the newer pro 😂


But the connectivity, functionality and buttons are better on the pro.


Had to keep my phone close to change volume of the bass.


To add to the original thread, I couldn’t fit the ms60b in my bag but the p1/2 would have. It’s just a shame like Nux neither is quite right be it functionality or sound quality.

On 18/01/2024 at 10:35, SumOne said:

A bit off topic, but the Zoom B-6 is looking pretty good to me, there are a couple for sale on here for about £250.


  • All effects/Amps etc are Bass specific
  • 2x switchable inputs (So I could sell my LS-2 that I use for switching basses. My usual justification maths for multi-fx goes along the lines of - if it replaces enough individual pedals without losing functionality/sound quality it makes financial sense. Selling LS-2, TU-3, BB-1X, LMB-3 probably covers it without losing functionality)
  • XLR DI with ground lift (no need for my DI box)
  • Aux in and Bluetooth (Bluetooth is an extra £34 adapter though)
  • Headphone out
  • Drum loops
  • Zoom tend to be alright for synth stuff
  • Zoom things tend to be reliable (or they have been for me).

Obviously that's not a pocket sized unit though! Still, for not much more ££ than the P2 it could do a decent all-in-one job for home practice, band rehersals, and probably has the connections/sounds/footswitches etc. I need for live stuff.


The thing that always let's multi-fx down for me is when you need that decent envelope filter, or synth, or whatever else the unit doesn't do well you need the individual pedal - which then needs a power supply, and a pedalboard, and before long individual pedals start to take over again!








XLR’s, built in batteries, probably all the same issues we’ve had with P1 and P2’s 😂 but new and shiny shiny.


Zoom just released this so I think more is coming soon https://zoomcorp.com/en/us/multi-effects/multistomp-pedals/ms-200d-plus/


Maybe one of them will tick all the boxes.


A week on of essentially going back to the MP2 I’m frustrated by the lack of volume controls on the unit, the poorer battery life…. but it does sound better than the MP Pro 😂

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, tayste_2000 said:






XLR’s, built in batteries, probably all the same issues we’ve had with P1 and P2’s 😂 but new and shiny shiny.


Zoom just released this so I think more is coming soon https://zoomcorp.com/en/us/multi-effects/multistomp-pedals/ms-200d-plus/


Maybe one of them will tick all the boxes.


A week on of essentially going back to the MP2 I’m frustrated by the lack of volume controls on the unit, the poorer battery life…. but it does sound better than the MP Pro 😂


Nice! It's annoying that Mooer seem to have given up on catering for Bass players, loads of Guitar amp/cabs but no Bass ones.  I could live with that if the tuner worked on a 5 string Bass low B  (but if it's the same software as the P2 then it won't), and if the Drives had a blend (from the manual, it seems they don't). Hopefully there will be an update to include Bass stuff, or a specific Bass version as it looks like a good bit of hardware, I like the battery option.


The Zoom looks good: Small, battery powered option, tuner, only 2x effects at the same time but perhaps if they include a decent compressor and a drive with a lot of EQ options that would be enough. I can't tell if anything on it is designed for Bass though.

Edited by SumOne
4 hours ago, SumOne said:


Nice! It's annoying that Mooer seem to have given up on catering for Bass players, loads of Guitar amp/cabs but no Bass ones.  I could live with that if the tuner worked on a 5 string Bass low B  (but if it's the same software as the P2 then it won't), and if the Drives had a blend (from the manual, it seems they don't). Hopefully there will be an update to include Bass stuff, or a specific Bass version as it looks like a good bit of hardware, I like the battery option.


The Zoom looks good: Small, battery powered option, tuner, only 2x effects at the same time but perhaps if they include a decent compressor and a drive with a lot of EQ options that would be enough. I can't tell if anything on it is designed for Bass though.


Well I went back through this thread recently as I found myself longing for a P1. That manual also doesn’t list any bass fx but they are in there, so honestly who knows.


The Zoom, this is the 2nd in this new format they’ve announced. So there is 50g+ which does 4-5 effects and is a direct replacement to the 50G. I’m anticipating a Bass, Modulation and Delay/Reverb one coming out in the next few months. Still won’t have a headphone out but everything else is an improvement for gigging.

  • Like 1

I feel bad I’m always hijacking this thread for stuff that isn’t the P1, but not enough to stop.


Valeton have a bunch of multi’s I can find very little on but also released a Mini bass dapper.


I think it’s smaller than the Sonicake Boom Ave and it does have a tuner (it’s kinda hidden but it’s there). Octave would have been better than Chorus but the guitar versions of these go for around £60 so 🤷‍♂️ bargain.


(I also sent an email to Mooer asking if they were releasing anything bass related for the P2…. I don’t expect a response)



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 30/06/2023 at 12:12, Greg Edwards69 said:

Hey. Just received my P1 yesterday (used via ebay - I did a factory reset first thing). Sounds great so far but I have a query.


It doesn't seem to automatically reconnect with the iPhone app if I switch it off and back on again. I have to manually reconnect it via the Bluetooth button in the app. Is this normal behavior?


  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 13/01/2024 at 10:42, SumOne said:

I've got a chain with 11 effects in it and that seems the limit, they don't have to be in set positions or set effect types as with some multi-fx. 


You can use effect types multiple times before I guess it reaches processing limits e.g. Mucking about I've got a chain with 5x delays, 2x Amps, 3x overdrive and a comp - it won't allow me to change the comp to one of the other types. 

Hi I'm new to this chat but I love the support it provides! Does the comment above with regard to a chain with 11 effects in it refer to the P1 or the P2? If it's for the P1, does it apply to the guitar and the bass sections? Sorry - I had a little trouble following. Many thanks!

1 hour ago, JohnnyFlatWound said:

Hi I'm new to this chat but I love the support it provides! Does the comment above with regard to a chain with 11 effects in it refer to the P1 or the P2? If it's for the P1, does it apply to the guitar and the bass sections? Sorry - I had a little trouble following. Many thanks!

That was the P2. Unfortunately, no bass specific things (including tuner) meant I returned it. 

8 hours ago, JohnnyFlatWound said:

Hi I'm new to this chat but I love the support it provides! Does the comment above with regard to a chain with 11 effects in it refer to the P1 or the P2? If it's for the P1, does it apply to the guitar and the bass sections? Sorry - I had a little trouble following. Many thanks!

The P1 has a very rigid effects chain. You can move blocks about a bit, but you can't add new ones. If I was looking for a new practice tool, the Boss Katana Go would be at the very top of my list. I don't have one of them, but based on feedback here and my own GX-100, I have a lot of confidence in it. The P1 is my biggest gear regret to date. I couldn't coax a sound I liked enough out of it (for bass or guitar), which meant I didn't practice and spent my time tweaking and getting frustrated. I wish I had returned it, instead of thinking I could make it work. 

Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, MichaelDean said:

The P1 has a very rigid effects chain. You can move blocks about a bit, but you can't add new ones. If I was looking for a new practice tool, the Boss Katana Go would be at the very top of my list. I don't have one of them, but based on feedback here and my own GX-100, I have a lot of confidence in it. The P1 is my biggest gear regret to date. I couldn't coax a sound I liked enough out of it (for bass or guitar), which meant I didn't practice and spent my time tweaking and getting frustrated. I wish I had returned it, instead of thinking I could make it work. 

I'm glad it wasn't just me. I couldn’t dial in a satisfactory sound at all from mine, despite the specs looking perfect.


I bought the Katana:Go on the release date. It's fantastic. Comparing it to the P1 is chalk and cheese.

Edited by Greg Edwards69
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