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The compact mixing desk thread

Al Krow

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49 minutes ago, EBS_freak said:

Enjoy Dave! 

Thanks. So fat I’m not. It’s being a nightmare with Mixing station. At first I thought it was fine. Getting sounds out etc was easy, but I was up till very late trying to get the FX sends and returns working, and also getting Links working for my keys. 

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Do you not have a mac as well (not sure how good my memory is) - if so just sling xair on that and it makes it easy to set up.

I found when I started I got a bit messed up with echo sends and returns (and ended up with some nasty loops), but like all these things, its just practice.

What is also very good, if you get a chance - once you get a multitrack of your band as I did this weekend, you can feed that back to the XR and practice with some of the other input stuff, compressors, limiters, effects routing in a much more natural way than when you are just sitting there moving sliders up and down.

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I have used the Behringer app and I use the web app on the Soundcraft Ui16. I prefer to use either rather than Mixing Station. It takes a lot of learning and is more aimed at Freelance Sound Engineers where they are never sure which desk/mixer they will

be provided with.


To be honest there is an issue with and App. As you hardware gets older, the Apps aren’t longer supported. With the Ui16, I can use a 10 year old iPad as it is controllvia a web browser.  I will try with an 8 year old Android tablet later. 

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15 minutes ago, Chienmortbb said:

As you hardware gets older, the Apps aren’t longer supported. With the Ui16, I can use a 10 year old iPad as it is controllvia a web browser.


Well, that is the option at the moment. With the X-Airs yhou can also use a 10 year old iPad (I do), its just you can't use anything updated to the latest system (iOs 16).


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1 hour ago, Woodinblack said:

Do you not have a mac as well (not sure how good my memory is) - if so just sling xair on that and it makes it easy to set up. 

I found when I started I got a bit messed up with echo sends and returns (and ended up with some nasty loops), but like all these things, it’s just practice.

What is also very good, if you get a chance - once you get a multitrack of your band as I did this weekend, you can feed that back to the XR and practice with some of the other input stuff, compressors, limiters, effects routing in a much more natural way than when you are just sitting there moving sliders up and down.

Thanks. Yeah, I have a MacBook but so far not used it for this. As I’ll need to use the iPad at gigs I thought it easier to get to know that app. I can’t actually find the X Air on the App Store for Mac. Maybe I need to look again. I do have an old iPad that seemed ok with the xair app until I got the mixer. Even though I’m connected to its wifi the app doesn’t even bother to register that it’s there. Won’t connect at all. 

Yep, it’s just the FX side that’s causing issues now. I’ve figured out the feedback thing and can now get to almost were I want to be with it all, but still getting stuck on a few things. 
I can’t seem to find how to use the FX sends post fader, so that the FX is EQ’ed to match the sends. I’m using a delay and the delay tone is not getting the EQ. Probably a simple setting that’s deeply buried. 


Thats a good idea about practising with the settings after the event. Cheers for that.



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1 hour ago, dave_bass5 said:

Thanks. Yeah, I have a MacBook but so far not used it for this. As I’ll need to use the iPad at gigs I thought it easier to get to know that app.


You are probably right - the Mac app is the same as the original iPad app. I didn't even think on looking on the app store for mac apps, I just downloaded it from behringer.



1 hour ago, dave_bass5 said:

I do have an old iPad that seemed ok with the xair app until I got the mixer. Even though I’m connected to its wifi the app doesn’t even bother to register that it’s there. Won’t connect at all. 


is it set to have a dhcp on the iPad? Should just appear pretty well straight away

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1 hour ago, BigRedX said:


Are you using the built-in WiFi router or an external one?

At home I’m just using the built in one. I will be using an external one with the band.

It seems the issue is only related to Xair. Even with it on my MacBook (which is the phone app)  I get the same (Non) result. All my devices can see the XR18 fine, Mixing station works on all of them without any issues. 

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Strange. Well, not strange if you are using the current iPad app on the current Operating system, which doesn't work right, but if you were using either the Mac app on the mac or the iPad app on a < ios 16 iPad that is very strange. never had any connection issues, either with internal or external. although obviously if you are on internal it needs to be on the same subnet, if your xr isn't sent to be a dhcp server (which I am not sure if it is as default).

but if your iPad has an address off 192.168.0.x when connected to the XR, all should be good

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54 minutes ago, Woodinblack said:

Strange. Well, not strange if you are using the current iPad app on the current Operating system, which doesn't work right, but if you were using either the Mac app on the mac or the iPad app on a < ios 16 iPad that is very strange. never had any connection issues, either with internal or external. although obviously if you are on internal it needs to be on the same subnet, if your xr isn't sent to be a dhcp server (which I am not sure if it is as default).

but if your iPad has an address off 192.168.0.x when connected to the XR, all should be good

Yeah, but t is strange. The iPad is an Air v1. iOS is 12.5.7 so very old. Maybe too old? 
I could sort of understand if it refused to connect, but it’s not even trying. It’s like it’s not working at all until I chose the demo mode. And result on everything, new and old. 
I do like Mixing Station, it will work perfectly and I’m almost all set up with it, but it doesn’t seem as user friendly so been a bit overwhelming. 

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That is just a straight up network issue. The demo mode will always work, its not really doing anything. It does a request on the subnet for any X-AIR mixer and shows a list of them. If there aren't any, it means that none of them are showing up on the local network. Same as the mac and PC versions. The difference with the now non functioning iOs 16 is that sometimes it appears and won't connect, sometimes it appears and dissapears and sometimes it connects and crashes. So for whatever reason, your XR mixer is not on the same network as your iPad, or there is something stopping it getting there. Plus the software is very old, so it almost certainly works on iOS 10. I have an ancient iPad (the second one) - I am sure it worked on that, can try it if I can find a power lead!



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1 hour ago, Woodinblack said:

That is just a straight up network issue. The demo mode will always work, its not really doing anything. It does a request on the subnet for any X-AIR mixer and shows a list of them. If there aren't any, it means that none of them are showing up on the local network. Same as the mac and PC versions. The difference with the now non functioning iOs 16 is that sometimes it appears and won't connect, sometimes it appears and dissapears and sometimes it connects and crashes. So for whatever reason, your XR mixer is not on the same network as your iPad, or there is something stopping it getting there. Plus the software is very old, so it almost certainly works on iOS 10. I have an ancient iPad (the second one) - I am sure it worked on that, can try it if I can find a power lead!



Although im not an IT guy, im pretty technical minded. I understand what you are saying (I mentioned Demo mode purely to show the app hasn't frozen), but if all my devices are connecting to it, Mixing station see’s it automatically on various devices, im not sure what else i can do. You’re right, the app doesn't see anything on the network.

I have had X-Air quit a few times even on the old ipad so not too bothered, i was just interested to see what i can do with it. 

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Just a quick update. Still no go with the ipad app, but i downloaded the Mac version direct from Behringer. Only way i could get it working was with a LAN cable. I like that app, i do hope Behringer are going to sort this app out for newer devices. 

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47 minutes ago, dave_bass5 said:

Just a quick update. Still no go with the ipad app, but i downloaded the Mac version direct from Behringer. Only way i could get it working was with a LAN cable. I like that app, i do hope Behringer are going to sort this app out for newer devices. 


it is pretty much exactly the same as the iPad app. I don't understand how behringer didn't bother updating it while the XAir series are very popular pieces of hardware, not like they don't get the updates (unless the lost the person who wrote them).

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2 hours ago, Woodinblack said:


it is pretty much exactly the same as the iPad app. I don't understand how behringer didn't bother updating it while the XAir series are very popular pieces of hardware, not like they don't get the updates (unless the lost the person who wrote them).

It’s strange as the iPad one boots to a connect screen (with the demo bits at the bottom), and dorsnt go any further. The desktop one boots straight in to a mixer window with all the features displayed. 

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1 minute ago, dave_bass5 said:

It’s strange as the iPad one boots to a connect screen (with the demo bits at the bottom), and dorsnt go any further. The desktop one boots straight in to a mixer window with all the features displayed. 


True, but the desktop one has a separate panel for network and connection type. Sometimes that is a little irritating actually, at least on the iPad you know you are connected.

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2 minutes ago, Woodinblack said:


True, but the desktop one has a separate panel for network and connection type. Sometimes that is a little irritating actually, at least on the iPad you know you are connected.

yeah. The ipads just seem to work without all that nonsense……normally 😁. At least with the desktop version i could get in to the network panel and see whats going on. 

Anyway, ive now got Mixing station all set up, and hopefully just needs a few tweaks once the band start playing through it. 

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Sorry, yes, the mixers default address is, and it generally hands out a to an iPad connecting through its internal wifi. I sometimes confuse it as I am using a wifi 5g router on the 192.168.0.x range, with the iPad on wireless and the X18 and XTouch on wired.




25 minutes ago, dave_bass5 said:

Mixing station reports it as being


I assume the 169 there is a typo of 168?





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