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21 hours ago, Leonard Smalls said:

Spose these sort of count as nu-metal... I liked 'em!



24-7 Spyz were around for years before the blight of Nu-Metal.  There were quite a few crossover bands from that era - Mordred, Clawfinger, Dog Eat Dog.

6 hours ago, Buckminster Emptier said:

I didn't call them butt holes that's just what the site  fills in. And people are doing nothing but expressing their opinion, I express mine and I'm a troll. 

I don't need to look at your other posts because I'm not the one making personal attacks. That sounds kinda trollish to me, all I did was say Limp Biscuit sucks, I'm shocked anyone  I defending them.

You've both called me a troll and implied something about where I'm from. And called me daft, whatever the hell that is, it sounds a lot like an insult.


I've only expressed an opinion about a band.


And I'm the troll. I think you just don't like Americans, and that's why you are bullying me


You said something negative about SOAD right after the other guy said he liked them. Isn't that what you are now calling me a troll over?


By the way every band you guys are talking about are "wild Americans". 


You guys sure know how to make a guy feel welcome. If you look at my other post I wasn't trolling anyone, that's just what you've made me into so you have a license to bully the new American. So when your moderator comes along he sees troll  and thinks you re defending yourself. Been there and done that. If you don't want Americans in your exclusive club you can just say so. Well, I guess you have, haven't you? 

I haven't implied anything about where you're from, I didn’t know you were American.


Doesn't change anything. 


Someone else expressed their opinion about some bands, to which you replied that they weren't authorised to discuss the subject. 

You called someone else's opinion 'hilarious'.


And then you get offended by my 'don't be daft' - which, trust me, is really not an offensive comment. 


Don't come on here all guns blazing only to cry bullying when people disagree with you.

  • Haha 1
31 minutes ago, SteveXFR said:

Limp Bizkit ended up sounding like a parody of nu metal and now Fred Durst looks like this. He looks like his own grandfather 


I think that was a costume he wore for a new track called ‘Dad Rock’ or something. But yeah, the song wasn’t great. 

Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Buckminster Emptier said:

If you are lumping together SOAD with Creed you really shouldn't be authorized to discuss this subject. You're basically lumping together any rock band to come out in the 90s. Actually on second thought, if you take SOAD out and maybe Audioslave we could let the rest slide.


15 hours ago, Buckminster Emptier said:

How can you talk stinky poo about the scene but say you have a soft spot for Limp Biscuit, thats like the epitome of the genre and the very worst of it all. That's hilarious, that's like saying you don't mind taking heroin once in a while but you can't stand people who  take drugs. Haha.. I'm not trying to be a Richard but come on ; let's have at least a little self awareness when we are criticizing.


I've read all this 'Limp Bizkit' suck stuff which seemed to happen after the Chocolate Starfish album came out, and only then did they become rock's fave whipping boys along with Nickelback. Seems to me all this hate for these bands along with Coldplay and a few others is just bandwagon jumping without any substance. Any criticism you can level against LB and Nickelback can easily be said of '000s more. I used to see loads of 90s metal/hard rock bands on MTV or heard the kids or mrs playing them so I do know what I'm talking about.  BTW for my wife's sake I took to her Sonisphere 2014 (mainly for her to see Metallica) and Download (as SOAD is a fave band of hers also). I saw LB at Sonisphere and they were by far the best act of the festival. Great crowd report and they got everyone moving. The likes of Deftones, Mastodon and other 'respected' bands were as dull as f***.

Edited by Barking Spiders
  • Like 1

I used to hate nu metal when it was at its height in the late 90s, early 00s. Especially if it had rap vocals - and in particular if they came out of Fred Durst's mouth. I liked symphonic, gothic and progressive metal at that time, and some black and death. Nowadays I do appreciate some of the bands of that time. I've come to love Linkin Park, Drowning Pool, and I'll occasionally put on Limp Bizkit's Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavoured Water and Significant Other. It's probably a sentimental, throwback kind of thing in the same way that I can listen to 90s pop and Eurodance (which I also used to HATE with a passion) and reminisce about my younger days :lol:

  • Like 1
46 minutes ago, LeftyJ said:

I used to hate nu metal when it was at its height in the late 90s, early 00s. Especially if it had rap vocals - and in particular if they came out of Fred Durst's mouth. I liked symphonic, gothic and progressive metal at that time, and some black and death. Nowadays I do appreciate some of the bands of that time. I've come to love Linkin Park, Drowning Pool, and I'll occasionally put on Limp Bizkit's Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavoured Water and Significant Other. It's probably a sentimental, throwback kind of thing in the same way that I can listen to 90s pop and Eurodance (which I also used to HATE with a passion) and reminisce about my younger days :lol:

 I'm a big fan of 80s-90s hip hop and, while never a fan of any other metal band, actually thought the two styles went well together e.g. as on RATMs first album and LB's Significant Other. Chocolate Starfish was more hit and miss but I still enjoy Rollin', My Generation, My Way and Take A Look Around. The following albums  are admittedly utter gash.

12 minutes ago, StickyDBRmf said:

I'm American & they don't bugger me.


Have you tried bring nicer to them? Maybe if you give them some romance then they will.

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
On 10/10/2022 at 01:56, Barking Spiders said:



I've read all this 'Limp Bizkit' suck stuff which seemed to happen after the Chocolate Starfish album came out, and only then did they become rock's fave whipping boys along with Nickelback. Seems to me all this hate for these bands along with Coldplay and a few others is just bandwagon jumping without any substance. Any criticism you can level against LB and Nickelback can easily be said of '000s more. I used to see loads of 90s metal/hard rock bands on MTV or heard the kids or mrs playing them so I do know what I'm talking about.  BTW for my wife's sake I took to her Sonisphere 2014 (mainly for her to see Metallica) and Download (as SOAD is a fave band of hers also). I saw LB at Sonisphere and they were by far the best act of the festival. Great crowd report and they got everyone moving. The likes of Deftones, Mastodon and other 'respected' bands were as dull as f***.

The reason Limp Biscuit sucks is because the guy is a terrible rapper and his voice is all wheezy or like squeaky. I don't know exactly what youre talking about, I don't  doubt it, but I hated that band the first day I heard them and still do.  In fact they are the reason Nu Metal sucks, singlehandedly. Even Korn had one good album, but Limp Biscuit is terrible. And the icing on the cake is if you know what the name means, it's flipping disgusting. 


Mastodon = not Nu Metal, that's just metal

Def tones = maybe someone could say they influenced Nu Metal but they were out years before there was any talk of Nu Metal. 


I saw Mastodon  open for Clutch in a venue with maybe 500 capacity max. I had no idea who they were, this was like late 90s. It was a great show. 

Edited by Buckminster Emptier
Posted (edited)
On 10/10/2022 at 00:41, Cosmo Valdemar said:

I haven't implied anything about where you're from, I didn’t know you were American.


Doesn't change anything. 


Someone else expressed their opinion about some bands, to which you replied that they weren't authorised to discuss the subject. 

You called someone else's opinion 'hilarious'.


And then you get offended by my 'don't be daft' - which, trust me, is really not an offensive comment. 


Don't come on here all guns blazing only to cry bullying when people disagree with you.

No guns  blazing.Thats kind of blowing things out of proportion, which is what you guys did yesterday.  I simply criticized a band you like, and said that if you group Creed with SOAD you don't have any authority on the subject. And I stand by that. And you guys act like that's the worst thing any wild American ever said here. I wasn't trolling you I was  participating  in a discussion in which someone already said "all of those bands your name suck"

how is what I said any worse? You either have very sensitive skin or you don't like Americans or there has to be some other reason you can't handle someone not insulting  you at all, just saying you dont know what Nu Metal is  


And sorry it was your buddy who made the comment about Americans. You guys were teaming up on me and I got confused. Three of you went on the attack , calling me a daft wild American, and a troll. One guy went to looking up my other posts to make a case against me. All because I said that if you think Creed and SOAD are the same type of music you don't really have authority to talk about this. That's nothing man. Go back and read that stinky poo you guys did way more in the way if attacking me. Mine wasn't even an attack, I expected you to say " oh I guess you're right I hate all 90s music " to which I would have said " can't say I blame you but Creed is Def not Nu Metal, however Limp Biscuit is the epitome of Nu Metal" Nothing Trollish about it.



Edited by Buckminster Emptier

The amount of bands referred to as "Thrash" who don't, and never have, played thrash, would make even Jonathan Davis wallow in an unending realm of self-pity. For real.

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Buckminster Emptier said:

The reason Limp Biscuit sucks is because the guy is a terrible rapper and his voice is all wheezy or like squeaky. I don't know exactly what youre talking about, I don't  doubt it, but I hated that band the first day I heard them and still do.  In fact they are the reason Nu Metal sucks, singlehandedly. Even Korn had one good album, but Limp Biscuit is terrible. And the icing on the cake is if you know what the name means, it's flipping disgusting. 


Mastodon = not Nu Metal, that's just metal

Def tones = maybe someone could say they influenced Nu Metal but they were out years before there was any talk of Nu Metal. 


I saw Mastodon  open for Clutch in a venue with maybe 500 capacity max. I had no idea who they were, this was like late 90s. It was a great show. 

I never said Mastodon were Nu-metal. I said I saw them at the same festival and while LB put on a good show, Mastodon were as boring as f***. They just stood there, no audience rapport, nada. Dunno why they get all this kudos. Very dull. If LB sucks then Korn, Linkin Park, Mudvayne, Deftones and the rest of the nu-metal crowd suck at least equally. I agree the album name Choc Starfish.... is risibly puerile and that the next albums are all pretty poor but I still stand by the first two which means they at least had two good albums which is two more than every other nu-metal and post-grunge band.


I'm not sure which country originated the worst new genres that went mainstream in the 90s, the USA or UK. The US produced trash like pop-punk/skate punk, nu-metal and post-grunge while in the UK we had to endure the dreck that was Britpop, Spice Girls etc, 'Madchester' and shoegaze. Let's not get started on the noughties which is also a low point.

Edited by Barking Spiders
1 hour ago, Doctor J said:

The amount of bands referred to as "Thrash" who don't, and never have, played thrash, would make even Jonathan Davis wallow in an unending realm of self-pity. For real.

This is so true, and one of my pet peeves! I wonder why thrash is the genre of choice for loads of mislabelling. Maybe because the term is one of the more ‘aggressive’ sounding metal monikers and people (lazy journalists?) like how it exaggerates how heavy a band is. 

8 hours ago, Buckminster Emptier said:

The reason Limp Biscuit sucks is because the guy is a terrible rapper and his voice is all wheezy or like squeaky.


Indeed, and you know it is him from the first time he opens his mouth, which is great for a singer, rather than just one of those generic rock voices.


Personally it wasn't something I listened too that much but for the 'angry at their dads' middle class kids with no actual real problems it was perfect stuff, and it works well in the car. Our drummer does a great Fred Durst whine, we really should get round to doing 'break stuff' - except our guitarist isn't one for distortion!


I remember reading an article a while back about this. It would appear that many of my generation look upon numeral with a degree of disdain but for the kids that were younger this was their first taste of rock and it heavily influenced their tastes. There's a growing group of bands and artists who are heavily influenced by the genre and are basically recreating it (please don't ask me to name them as I can't remember. They may very well be nobodies or I may very well be getting older and forgetting stuff). 

For reference I got into rock etc approximately 6ish months before numetal really exploded (my reference point being limp bizkit going number one). At first I too got sucked up into it, It was loud bright and new, along with everything else. I was discovering this alongside punk, ska, actual metal and rock in general so it was a really exciting time in my life. I do look back fondly on some tracks of that time but I did quickly move away from numetal for many of the reasons stated above, but largely a lot of the other bands didn't feel genuine.....and rubbish, they were largely rubbish (staind anyone?). 

It's a shame that this era was probably the last great (size not quality) era of rock. There seems to be a resurgence of guitar based music again soon hoping we can see some new perspective but I'm skeptical 🧐.

26 minutes ago, Bassmidget209 said:

...many of my generation look upon numeral with a degree of disdain...


Are they the ones singing about coin-collecting..? :/



:lol: :P

23 minutes ago, Bassmidget209 said:

I remember reading an article a while back about this. It would appear that many of my generation look upon numeral with a degree of disdain but for the kids that were younger this was their first taste of rock and it heavily influenced their tastes. There's a growing group of bands and artists who are heavily influenced by the genre and are basically recreating it (please don't ask me to name them as I can't remember. They may very well be nobodies or I may very well be getting older and forgetting stuff). 

For reference I got into rock etc approximately 6ish months before numetal really exploded (my reference point being limp bizkit going number one). At first I too got sucked up into it, It was loud bright and new, along with everything else. I was discovering this alongside punk, ska, actual metal and rock in general so it was a really exciting time in my life. I do look back fondly on some tracks of that time but I did quickly move away from numetal for many of the reasons stated above, but largely a lot of the other bands didn't feel genuine.....and rubbish, they were largely rubbish (staind anyone?). 

It's a shame that this era was probably the last great (size not quality) era of rock. There seems to be a resurgence of guitar based music again soon hoping we can see some new perspective but I'm skeptical 🧐.

 Staind were/are bluddy woeful. They're one of those I originally alluded to that infested MTV playlists back in the 90s. I don't differentiate between post-grunge and nu-metal other than some 'nu-metal' bands incorporated rap into their sound. When I recall the likes of Breaking Benjamin, Puddle of Mud, 3 Doors Down, Shinedown, Godsmack, Theory of a Deadman, Papa Roach, Coal Chamber, Crazy Town etc blah I rate LB even higher for their first 2 albums and the best tracks off Choc.


There are more bad nu-metal bands than good ones for sure. And I certainly agree with the view that Staind were not very good. But Limp Bizkit’s Significant Other is still an album I listen to, as is Papa Roach’s debut, alongside anything SOAD (I’m shoehorning them here somewhat), Slipknot and Linkin Park. Most other bands probably had one or two good tracks at a push. I still have fond nostalgic memories of the time nu-metal exploded though, because as I and others have said, it acted as a bit of a gateway into alternative music for me. 

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