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My band did another video AGAIN!


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Mods - I should say I have already posted this in the 'Share Your Music' sub-sub board of the Recording sub-board, where unfortunately no-one much goes or seems interested - so if this post qualifies as spam, please delete the earlier one!


This represents my first go at a 'proper' music vid - I've done lyric videos and slideshow-y montages before, but this is the first time I've used green screen, recorded performance & outdoor footage/still images & tried to make something coherent out of it. Disclaimer - the drone footage isn't mine (free-to use stock from the excellent pexels.com site) so any occasional illusion of professionalism would be that of the talented videographers whose work it is, not me! Video was recorded using my little Canon SX720 compact on its HD setting, all the bits & pieces were bunged together with Shotcut, which (as someone whose previous video editing experience was limited to Windows Movie Maker) was easy to get started with & pretty intuitive to work with, and let me do pretty much anything my limited imagination came up with.


Anyway - I think I'm pleased with the result, given the obstacles of poor equipment, dubious aesthetic sensibilities and general ineptitude I have tried to overcome. It was fun & stressful in equal measure and I'm not even too horrified at my own ugly mug gurning away while I pretend to play bass!


A bit about the song. This is a bit of a musical departure for us, and despite playing/programming the instruments on the song I consider myself a distant second-fiddle as far as writing it is concerned. Basically my partner-in-crimes against music sang it to me, & said "can you make the guitars sound like Stuart Adamson?" Doing so was an absolute pleasure as Stuart was a huge influence when I was learning guitar & starting to write songs back in the early 80s. For that reason the Yamaha SG and the Strat in the video are what I used in the song - however the bass you hear is an Ibanez RS924 Roadster, not the silly thing I'm waving around on screen! I also used a Riverhead Unicorn headless (with flats) for the chordal intro. Song was recorded using Reaper & mainly Reaper plugins, guitar sounds courtesy of ToneLib GFX, bass through a Behringer Bass V-Amp Pro, & drums are the MT Power Drumkit plugin.


Hope you like it!




Edited by Bassassin
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Great work, great visuals  and yes the Adamson vibe is great too🙂

We also made a video recently and as (hopefully) you've started a trend I'll share it here...

The band is a tongue in cheek country rock trio, the song is about cousin Billy Bob and his fancy new girlfriend.

We recorded it in the studio at the shop where I used to work, no idea what system he used but it's essentially the three of us playing live to a click, vocals and guitar solo added after.

The video was filmed and edited by my partners son who's a pro editor and up and coming comedy writer/performer. He was a perfect fit for the project, he completely got what we were about. We had to cancel the first days shooting (COVID) but that gave us more time to hone the script and sets etc.

We had perfect weather for November in Dorset.
The bass used in the video was alo used on the song , it's a semi hollow precision built by myself.


Edited by Dom in Dorset
the dog ate my homework
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18 hours ago, Bassassin said:

Mods - I should say I have already posted this in the 'Share Your Music' sub-sub board of the Recording sub-board, where unfortunately no-one much goes or seems interested - so if this post qualifies as spam, please delete the earlier one!


This represents my first go at a 'proper' music vid - I've done lyric videos and slideshow-y montages before, but this is the first time I've used green screen, recorded performance & outdoor footage/still images & tried to make something coherent out of it. Disclaimer - the drone footage isn't mine (free-to use stock from the excellent pexels.com site) so any occasional illusion of professionalism would be that of the talented videographers whose work it is, not me! Video was recorded using my little Canon SX720 compact on its HD setting, all the bits & pieces were bunged together with Shotcut, which (as someone whose previous video editing experience was limited to Windows Movie Maker) was easy to get started with & pretty intuitive to work with, and let me do pretty much anything my limited imagination came up with.


Anyway - I think I'm pleased with the result, given the obstacles of poor equipment, dubious aesthetic sensibilities and general ineptitude I have tried to overcome. It was fun & stressful in equal measure and I'm not even too horrified at my own ugly mug gurning away while I pretend to play bass!


A bit about the song. This is a bit of a musical departure for us, and despite playing/programming the instruments on the song I consider myself a distant second-fiddle as far as writing it is concerned. Basically my partner-in-crimes against music sang it to me, & said "can you make the guitars sound like Stuart Adamson?" Doing so was an absolute pleasure as Stuart was a huge influence when I was learning guitar & starting to write songs back in the early 80s. For that reason the Yamaha SG and the Strat in the video are what I used in the song - however the bass you hear is an Ibanez RS924 Roadster, not the silly thing I'm waving around on screen! I also used a Riverhead Unicorn headless (with flats) for the chordal intro. Song was recorded using Reaper & mainly Reaper plugins, guitar sounds courtesy of ToneLib GFX, bass through a Behringer Bass V-Amp Pro, & drums are the MT Power Drumkit plugin.


Hope you like it!





I enjoyed that, Jon.  Stong tune, well played.  Felt to me like a prog Big Country.

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2 hours ago, Dom in Dorset said:

Great work, great visuals  and yes the Adamson vibe is great too🙂

We also made a video recently and as (hopefully) you've started a trend I'll share it here...

The band is a tongue in cheek country rock trio, the song is about cousin Billy Bob and his fancy new girlfriend.

We recorded it in the studio at the shop where I used to work, no idea what system he used but it's essentially the three of us playing live to a click, vocals and guitar solo added after.

The video was filmed and edited by my partners son who's a pro editor and up and coming comedy writer/performer. He was a perfect fit for the project, he completely got what we were about. We had to cancel the first days shooting (COVID) but that gave us more time to hone the script and sets etc.

We had perfect weather for November in Dorset.
The bass used in the video was alo used on the song , it's a semi hollow precision built by myself.


Thoroughly enjoyed that! Great fun song & video and the very obvious professionalism (bet you had storyboards & everything! :D ) certainly shows!


2 hours ago, Paul S said:


I enjoyed that, Jon.  Stong tune, well played.  Felt to me like a prog Big Country.


Thanks Paul! I'll take that! I always consided BC to be a post-punk/celtic rock band with a prog rhythm section - in their early days they even had a tendency for 8-minute multi-part epics. B|

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12 minutes ago, Bassassin said:


Thoroughly enjoyed that! Great fun song & video and the very obvious professionalism (bet you had storyboards & everything! :D ) certainly shows!



Thanks! In a way the script (yes we had one, two pages of script!!!) Wrote itself , it's just the song visualized. We were supposed to film it two weeks earlier but had to cancel, as it turned out we got much better weather and had more time to plan all the scenes and shots. We filmed the fight scene first at 9.30 on a Sunday morning, the cast insisted on opening the beers.


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  • 10 months later...

Bumping this thread because my band done another video!



This is a little different to the previous one, visually and musically. The song's around 7 1/2 minutes long (it's prog, what ya gonna do?) and in two distinct sections, the first 3 minutes or so instrumental. My aim was to create (by manipulating free-to-use clips, mostly) the sort of visuals I'd want if we were able to perform this with back-projections/video screens onstage.


Part two (the proper song bit) is a lyric video with visuals appropriate to mood/words (well, as far as I can tell - I only pluck the strings & press the buttons!) with a bit of green-screened performance.


Recording-wise this is a bit of an oddity - we started this 3 or 4 years ago when we moved from using an old standalone digital multitracker to a PC based setup. For some reason I'd been using Tracktion as a DAW, but had terrible latency issues that I couldn't sort, which ultimately resulted in this song being shelved. Having moved to Reaper & doubled my RAM (whereupon latency problems magically vanished!) we carried on with other stuff & this got pretty much forgotten. I remembered it & dug it out a few months back & we decided it was worth salvaging, and that involved importing everything one track at a time into Reaper & then creating a tempo track (there are one or two time signature & tempo changes!) to get the MIDI drum parts working. All the instrument audio had to be lined up & that's when the consequences of the latency became apparent!


Anyway, it was all salvageable (if you don't listen too closely!), a few bits added in to extend part of the instrumental section, and new vocals recorded. As I recall, I played my CSL (1980, MIJ) Jazz with DiMarzio Model Js, plus Yamaha SG1500 & Squier Strat. There's also a brief cameo from my Sire V7 fretless - which may or may not qualify as a bass solo...


Anyway, if you enjoy bombastic self-indulgence, pretentiousness & melodrama you might like this, and if you don't - have a watch/listen anyway!



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  • Bassassin changed the title to My band did another video!
5 hours ago, Bassassin said:

Bumping this thread because my band done another video!...


It may be judicious to add a health warning for those with a disposition for suffering fits, seizures or uncontrolled epileptic bouts. I shall report further on the audio content once the hospital give me the all-clear, my eyeballs cool off and the tremors subside. To be listened to with headphones, in a darkened room and the screen turned off. -_-




:lol: :rWNVV2D:

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9 hours ago, Dad3353 said:


It may be judicious to add a health warning for those with a disposition for suffering fits, seizures or uncontrolled epileptic bouts. I shall report further on the audio content once the hospital give me the all-clear, my eyeballs cool off and the tremors subside. To be listened to with headphones, in a darkened room and the screen turned off. -_-




:lol: :rWNVV2D:


My profoundest apologies and best wishes for a swift recovery! I perhaps should have mentioned that the visual experience requires no additional chemical enhancement...


48 minutes ago, Supernaut said:

My band did... 


Dunno what your band done, Mush - but we been an' done a new vid, ain't we? :P

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  • 8 months later...

Second bump for this self-indulgent topic - because look what happened!



And it's a big one. Perhaps THE big one (until we work out the all kinks & put together that 50+ minute single-piece-of-music concept piece*) - 11:29 of epic massiveness, melody, magnificence, multiple vocal/guitar tracks, and many other superlatives beginning with 'm' that momentarily escape me.


We're incredibly pleased with & proud of this. For me, having been composing & recording music for pretty much all of my adult life, it's near-impossible to point at one particular song & go - that's the one - but I can listen back to this without wishing I'd done anything differently or better, without thinking there's a single part or a transition that doesn't quite work. It's been probably the most challenging composition (for various reasons) I've been involved in, and mixing it sufficiently daunting that I consistently put it off for around 18 months - but finally I somehow managed to make sense of the 52 tracks we recorded, and I think it sounds pretty great.


So if I can have a minute of your time - well, eleven minutes - please stick this on a big screen & big speakers/headphones, and indulge me. We love this, & hope you will too. And you know how it goes - if you do, tell your friends, if you don't, tell your enemies.


*Not a joke. It's called LastDay, and is as terrifying a prospect as it is inspiring. Might be finished in 10 years, if I last that long!

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  • Bassassin changed the title to My band did another video AGAIN!
6 hours ago, Bassassin said:

Second bump for this self-indulgent topic - because look what happened!



And it's a big one. Perhaps THE big one (until we work out the all kinks & put together that 50+ minute single-piece-of-music concept piece*) - 11:29 of epic massiveness, melody, magnificence, multiple vocal/guitar tracks, and many other superlatives beginning with 'm' that momentarily escape me.


We're incredibly pleased with & proud of this. For me, having been composing & recording music for pretty much all of my adult life, it's near-impossible to point at one particular song & go - that's the one - but I can listen back to this without wishing I'd done anything differently or better, without thinking there's a single part or a transition that doesn't quite work. It's been probably the most challenging composition (for various reasons) I've been involved in, and mixing it sufficiently daunting that I consistently put it off for around 18 months - but finally I somehow managed to make sense of the 52 tracks we recorded, and I think it sounds pretty great.


So if I can have a minute of your time - well, eleven minutes - please stick this on a big screen & big speakers/headphones, and indulge me. We love this, & hope you will too. And you know how it goes - if you do, tell your friends, if you don't, tell your enemies.


*Not a joke. It's called LastDay, and is as terrifying a prospect as it is inspiring. Might be finished in 10 years, if I last that long!

I really liked that, nice work there.

The writeup under the video was a good read too.

Also, 52 tracks! 😳



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