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New Hum Destruction Day


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Following an annoying gig where a previously silent pedal board became a noise monster the moment I plugged it into the venue's power, I realised something must be done.

I toyed with the EHX Hum Debugger, but unsure whether it was what I needed, I felt the price (and size) made it an expensive gamble.

An intensive internet search threw up this and for 12 quid it seemed worth a punt.

2 channels, so in theory double bubble, small, light, no power needed, 1/4" jack sockets - all good right?

Well, so far so good. The noise tends only to rear it's ugly head at a gig (s0ds law) so I can't be 100% sure. However, I used my nastiest power supply, cheapest cables and two pedals notorious for adding noise to my chain. Turned the amp up full and used a non humbucking pickup. The noise went. The sound was unaltered. Win...

So far.



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