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Please bare with me here, my ‘technical’ knowledge is lacking so I may well ramble here….


I have a Fender Cabronita bass that I want to replace the pickup in.  Main reason being the well documented misaligned pole pieces.  I have corrected it slightly with a threaded saddle bridge but looking over on Talkbass the consensus seems to be that the TV Jones blade pickups are a good upgrade.


This is where it becomes a bit foggy – TV Jones state their blade ‘bass’ pickup is a “Thunderblade” which specs out at DCR – 4.0k and Inductance 1.74H.  However, several TB’ers seem to suggest the TV Jones Superton (advertised by TV Jones as a guitar pickup) is exactly the same as the Thunderblade just in a different casing.  The specs do differ slightly though when I look further into it with the Superton speccing in at DCR 4.0K and inductance 1.81h.


I do much prefer the look of the Supertron, its more readily available and it does seem to be the pup Fender used on their limited run of Cabronita Borrocha basses. 

Would the seemingly (to my amateur mind) small variation in inductance affect the tone massively?  I don’t want a toppy guitar like pickup but the fact Fender seems to put the Supertons in the Borrocha basses plus the insistence by TB’ers that the pups are one and the same suggests there may be only a very slight difference between the two pups that are advertised as “bass” and “guitar”


If the basic construction of the Thunderblade and Supertron are essentially the same, a difference in inductance that small would be barely noticeable tonewise.

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