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Grounding pickup poles on series/split/parallel with P + JJ

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I've a Maruszczyk with Precision and a double J humbucker. 

The humbucker has a series/split/parallel switch.

I've replaced the precision pickup with a Seymour Duncan one.

The problem is I get a buzz when I touch the pole pieces. I'm assuming this is a grounding issue.


The new Duncan P has foil on the back, covering the poles.

I suspect that I should reverse the wires I'm connecting with the rest of the loom, so that the poles are grounded correctly?

(If I remember correctly, I tried this and confirmed it was the case - it was out of phase & the buzz/hum went).


If that is correct. I believe I need to also reverse the connections to the JJ humbucker or they will be out of phase?


This is the exact set-up I have (see series/split/parallel):



Any idea which wires I should swap into the switch, to reverse the phase :/ ?


I've replaced various PJ pickup pickup configurations, but this goes over my head.


Help would be much appreciated.


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This is relatively common. Connect the poles to earth and you'll ground the buzz. What's happening is when you touch the poles, you become the conduit to earth. 


You can solder a wire to the copper foil on the back of the pickups and solder the other end to something connected to earth. If you don't fancy soldering, just ensuring a good and stable connection to earth will do it. Some manufacturers use the metal springs which push up the pickup to do it.

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Thanks again, much appreciated for the reply!


The issue with me using the white as the hot wire, is that the P pickups will be out of phase with the JJ.

What I've done in the past, when P+J pickups are out of phase, is just swap the polarity. That is difficult to do here though.




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