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Spector Euro LX5 / ACG02


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I love this bass but my shoulder problem persists and since I got my Sadowsky - it's not getting a look in. Very low action with no buzzing (when I play it anyway) - it plays itself. The ACG preamp is a revelation and retains the Spector growl and gives you a lot more besides. It also has the advantage (IMO) of only having a single volume knob + pup pan and once you get used to it, it's amazing what sounds you can get out of it from extreme trebbliness to deep deep bassiness. The B string is thunderous and clear as a bell.

The bass is immaculate apart from a slight lacquer crack on the back going from the control cavity to the edge - it hasn't progessed since I bought the bass nearly a year ago.

It's also had a brand new bridge from Spector (the B slot on the old one was too narrow for a 130 :) - so the original will come as a spare. It'll also come with gold Schaller straplocks.

You can have it for [b]£675[/b] which is ridiculous for a bass of this quality - I don't want to post it so come and get it / will deliver within a reasonable distance.

I have my eye on a bass that's up for sale at the mo but if that goes, trades are possible but please don't take the piss. A nice P or J, maybe a Sandberg or a good lined fretless with + / - cash adjustment might tempt me.

Edited by niceguyhomer
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Had a quick paly on this bass a while back and all I can say is its stunning and an absolute bargain at that price, what with the ACG preamp upgrade. Come to think of it, it's a bargain without any of the upgrades...

Edited by Platypus
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[quote name='niceguyhomer' post='478823' date='May 4 2009, 10:55 AM']I have my eye on a bass that's up for sale at the mo but if that goes, trades are possible but please don't take the piss. A nice P or J, maybe a Sandberg or a good lined fretless with + / - cash adjustment might tempt me.[/quote]
You'll get on well with a Sandberg Al. Mine is really light and you are welcome to try it any time. My G&L hasn't been getting a look in since i got the Sandberg.

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