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I hadn’t experienced GAS for upwards of a year. It has felt sooooo good.


In fact, I’ve been going through the opposite lately… Gear Reduction Syndrome. Currently having a massive clear-out of surplus and superfluous music gear, hoarded over the aeons. All in the spirit of refinement and simplification, clearing the decks, clearing the mind. This was my mission.


Though a side effect of this intense engagement with the marketplace and the resultant temptation of a sudden bunch of newfound excess cash (what is invested in gear stays in gear, right?), is that my mind is turning to the possibility of sexy basses I don’t really need and, alas, I feel the familiar building rumble of GAS once more.


Being GAS-free is only ever a temporary condition. 

If you’re in that happy place, I wish you well.


That bass you loved when you were 20 though … The one you drooled over, or wish you’d never sold …

It’s going to haunt you until you eventually bite. The craving may not come today, but it will 


Just sayin’ 😬

Edited by Fionn
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Must admit i quite enjoy looking at and trying out new amps, not so much cabs but amps interest me too.

I'm always amazed at the differences in tone from different amps during a gig.

TBH they all sound similar when i hear or see any vid recordings :laugh1:



I like looking at new gear but never really had GAS. Like many of us here i have a few really decent basses, cabs and amps that suit me perfectly.

I came into bass later in life so didn't go through lots of rigs and basses. I'm not a collector, though i do admire those players who have lots of basses for different occasions as well as sound.

There is no gear i'm looking to buy for the forseeable future.


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There is such a long list of basses I'd like to try (just saw a Dunable bass that caught my eye...). Plus a fair few skinny stringers. 


I'm happy with my effects/amp/cab situation though. Can't see any of that needing to change anytime soon. 


Ever since I found "my" sound, GAS has abated significantly. I have a modified Player Jazz (with East J-Retro preamp), GK MB112-II combo (mainly used as a stage monitor) and a Sansamp preamp/DI. Very occasionally I'll also use a Trace Elliot Transit effects unit, but only for pre-shape and compression (I ain't much of a slapper). The point is, once dialled in properly, this relatively cheap gear combination does everything I need and acquiring more gear is an unnecessary expense. The hard part is imprinting this perspective into your brain of course!


What solidified it for me was purchasing a Cort A6 Artisan. I'd always wanted to try a 6-string and this proved that it wasn't for me and dampened my urge to try new things. Beautiful instrument but it seems my muting technique just isn't sufficient for 6 strings and I'm not inclined to change my (probably bad) habits at this point. I'd happily swap it for a nice fretless 4-string (preferably unlined - drop me a PM if you have something interesting!)


I wish I could be GAS free! I get terrible GAS when I look at the basses for sale section in the market place on here. There are several medium scale basses for sale at the moment that are very desirable to me and they don’t come up very often but I know I don’t actually need them. I also know that GAS is some form of internal psychological justification for not practising and challenging myself enough: ” if only I had this, or that much better bass, I would play so much better”. In reality I would sound just as rubbish on a shiny new bass and I still wouldn’t be able to slap! If I stopped wasting time looking at for sale posts and put as much effort into practicing, I might actually play better!

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It's unlikely I will add or sell anything from my amp/cab setups. I have three options, that serve every purpose for me. 


Basses, I can always add more, wanted a Rick for a long time (might get one come December who knows), got my eye on a 6 string fretless just for fun, acoustic fretless 5, 8 string, I just like options and different sounds..

So yes GAS is still an issue..


I don’t want to OWN any more basses, but I’d love to spend some with some just to find out what they were like. In an ideal world there would be an instrument library where you pay a fee and you can loan out one thing at a time. 

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  On 16/09/2023 at 09:57, kwmlondon said:

I don’t want to OWN any more basses, but I’d love to spend some with some just to find out what they were like. In an ideal world there would be an instrument library where you pay a fee and you can loan out one thing at a time. 


Basschat? You also need to leave someone with a deposit that’s the value of the bass ….



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The Reverend thread has got me big time. Got a holiday and xmas to get out the way first though. Decision P in Venetian pearl please and thankyou.


I seem to buy a bass every other year or so , I have twenty something , there’s really only a couple I’d sell right now. I’m more likely to buy an amp (self confessed amp nerd) but I’m well amped too. 
Almost bought a Darkglass Microtubes 500 last week. Was a good price , and it’s an amp I like.

… close call. So I’m relatively gas free , but if I see something for a good price I can be tempted.

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And there was me thinking I was free of GAS and responding to this thread...


Lo and behold, I have a new obsession with 8 string (octave course) basses...


And the D-Roc...




Similar to @FatDrunkStupid as I have the exact sound I want - Fender JMJ Mustang into Sansamp Bass Driver v2 - I can’t think of any other gear, other than a blue JMJ. I think they look great but as I have 3 black ones I don’t need any more basses.

  On 16/09/2023 at 15:09, chris_b said:

I  thought I was GAS-less. . . . until I heard a Tec-amp Puma 900 this afternoon. I really liked it!!


Awe jings crivvens now i've got GAS. :dash1:


Always liked the look of them and you've put it in my head as a great back up amp to my SVT7 :laugh1:


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I was totally gas-free about a week ago, but then I saw a kala resonator tenor uke at a very good price at trash converters and a b-stock classic vibe competition orange mustang guitar at thomann and I couldnt resist either. They both arrived yesterday and I currently have no gas (for now.)

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