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I've recently bought a set of Verum 1 headphones and they sound .. well I was perplexed at how you can move your attention from instrument to instrument and examine it, walk around it as it were. I've never experienced so much space in a recording! 

Overall still very very clear sounding, a bit too clear even.


Using various sources I listened through phone jack, Audioquest dragonfly Cobalt DAC, a simple headphone splitter from the Tele.. it's all a bit too much, causing some listening fatigue.


Then it dawned on me: the cans offer only 8Ohm resistance. Also they haven't been playing for even 10 hours so a little breaking in may still happen. However I was thinking of getting a tube headphone amp to warm up the sound a bit but most I've found start at 32Ohm with only a few at 16 and none at 8Ohm!


I know for many hifi and bass/guitar amps that you shouldn't run them at less resistance than indicated or they can burn up. How do I proceed from here? Are there 8Ohm, warm sounding headphone amps? Can I just run a higher specced amp on this low a load?



Edited by Bolo

Your cheapest 'suck it and see' option is to put about 100 ohms in series with each earpiece  (or an in-line volume control) and turn up the source volume to compensate for the losses. You may find that you can hear the effects of less damping, but you may not.


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