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Warwick Corvette 4


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At this rate I'll have no basses left! :)

Anyway I've decided to put the Corvette up for grabs. Its a 1996 bubinga/wenge model with passive MEC pups. The neck is very slim, lots slimmer than the Thumb I used to have and the frets are great. The bubinga is lovely with only a little play ware around the pups. There is a bit of rash on the back along with some small indentations but nothing horrendous and it doesnt look half as bad as it dose on the photo. I only have a soft case so no posting. I can meet any buyer within reasonable distance. There is a strap with the strap locks fitted. Dont miss out on this one, its a good'un!


Edited by bigthumb
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It breaks my heart to see what these basses are selling for at the minute. I have one of these from the same era and it's the best Warwick I've played, so much so that I sold my '83 Wal without fear of sounding inferior. At this price it's a total steal - somebody get it bought!

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Haha, this bass has moved around a bit recently! I traded it for another bass, gave it a complete clean as it was in a state, but didn't need it, so sold it to a mate, who couldn't get on with it over his Ibanez, so he sold it on ebay, I guess you bought it! It's nice sounding I think, good growl.

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