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Reliving my youth

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Hi there. 

I recently bought a new bass (sterling 34 hh). I used to play a lot when I was younger. I memorised most of the RHCP and RATM albums. After 2 kids I’m apparently choosing to exercise my midlife crisis by attempting to relearn bass. I have an orange crush 25 practice amp but I’ll be looking to upgrade amp and pedals when my funds recover after buying the bass. Also, I’m incredibly hard of hearing but refusing to let that stop me 

A friend recommended this community and I’m really looking forward to delving deeper. 

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Hi ninjabiscuit,


Don't worry about mid-life crises - just go for it, and enjoy your playing. I took a really lengthy break from playing.


In fact, it was my son who got me back into playing bass. I had hardly remembered the early Iron Maiden songs I'd learned years before - but my lad was impressed by the snippets I'd managed to recall.


Enjoy 😀

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Nah... not re-living...  it's just coming back after the intermission...

Q. What Bass... posts like yours are misleading, or just some spam bot looking for sympathy...

We need details and pictures to prove it!.. and don't get sucked in to that effects vortex!..


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