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There's always been an undercurrent of tension in our covers band, but in all other respects we're best mates. But... our lead guitarist latest epic might be seriously misjudged. 

I was going away on holiday, not back for 5 weeks. We didn't have anything planned but we're all in other bands, and I said that obviously there were no issues with musicians we know depping for me. There was a possible gig the weekend before I went away, but we all got told by our guitarist to stand down. Then, a couple of days beforehand I got asked if I could do the sound at the gig in question, so I assumed the guitarist other band had got it, which I had no issue with but also by then I had made other arrangements. 

Our percussionist was invited to turn up to add his 'rock 'n roll' energy... which is another way of saying can you help shift our gear! Turns out the band was our covers outfit with me replaced, our percussionist not invited on stage, and our setlist. 

Percussionist suitable pee'd off and resigned on the spot, thinking about it, I was asked to do the sound for my own band! Apparently guitarist other band was going to do it but then couldn't but has still yet to explain how it ended up as our band minus me! In the meantime they've got some gigs with a dep, using the same setlist but are using a new name!

Not sure what's going on as I'm still on holiday until next week. Have a feeling my other bands might becoming my main band. Guitarist is still sending overly friendly texts so maybe he feels guilty. Being fired is one thing, band splitting up and reforming without you is a classic, but being asked to become the bands soundman is a new one!!

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Posted (edited)

Sounds like you lead guitarist is genuinely oblivious that he did anything wrong, to be honest.


Maybe have a friendly but serious talk with him about what the f*** is going on and how this works.


Though chances are probably high that he still won't understand what he possibly did wrong.


Edited by Baloney Balderdash
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1 hour ago, Baloney Balderdash said:

Sounds like you lead guitarist is genuinely oblivious that he did anything wrong, to be honest.


Maybe have a friendly but serious talk with him about what the f*** is going on and how this works.


Though chances are probably high that he still won't understand what he possibly did wrong.


Yeah, at first I thought this was a novel way of getting me replaced but since then the guitarist has been overly friendly on WhatsApp and reckons he's going to sort things with the percussionist. So I think maybe genuinely oblivious at the time but beginning to realise he might have messed up. 

Normally I'd be a bit more stressed about it but as it turns out I have other projects which might prove to be more promising. But it's also interesting that because I'm more sanguine about it I'll probably deal with the situation better, not fly off the handle and we'll probably sort it out like sensible adults rather than egotistical musicians which is a good thing as there are long standing friendships involved. Maybe a lesson for the future... which I'll promptly forget about the next time something like this happens!

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I feel your pain.


All had been well with my band for 4 years until this week when something happened that was very much to my detriment. I expressed my displeasure and offered a compromise solution.  That was met with an "if you don't like it you know what to do" type response. They were doubtless expecting me to grumble but ultimately fall in line.


I very well did not like it. They'd called my bluff , something to which I never ever back away from when people do, and they suddenly panicked when it backfired them and it got a bit silly.


It's put me off being in a band of my own for good so I'm doing some dep work, all agreed and authorised by the guy I'm covering for, and I'm going to try my hand at teaching (for free) to see if a different approach will hold my interest.


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19 hours ago, Bassfinger said:

All had been well with my band for 4 years until this week when something happened that was very much to my detriment. I expressed my displeasure and offered a compromise solution.  That was met with an "if you don't like it you know what to do" type response. They were doubtless expecting me to grumble but ultimately fall in line.




It's put me off being in a band of my own for good so I'm doing some dep work, all agreed and authorised by the guy I'm covering for, and I'm going to try my hand at teaching (for free) to see if a different approach will hold my interest.



I had a similar experience in my last band along the lines of "if you don't like it...". I gave an opinion (very rare) and objected to a song being included in our set. They agreed to drop it, but played it at that night's gig. Somehow because I quit I was a the bad person. Anyway, I'm not doing that again, so play in a duo now with my partner and when we have larger gigs there's a couple of local guys who are music teachers, session musicians, etc. who can join us for the gig. I also dep in a friend's rock band, but never consider myself a band member, just someone helping out one a per-gig basis. 


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