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NS End Pin support - a revelation!


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When I bought my NS NXT it came with both the original stand and the end pin support. I tried the end pin support at home and whilst it felt great, the convenience of the stand, especially as I double on NS and fretless bass, meant this has been relegated to the corner of my office where the guitar and mic stands live. Prepping for an upcoming acoustic gig where I will be playing seated, and only using the NS, I decided to try the end pin again as this allows the bass to sit lower than the lowest position on the stand, and its proven to be a revelation in terms of comfort. The bass is now connected to my body in the same way as an upright would be, and bizarrely its so much easier to play using just your arm weight as the relationship between you and the bass seems to be much better. Obviously it’s a little bit more inconvenient between sets etc. but the improvement in comfort and playability more than offsets this. If you have an NS, I highly recommend you try the end pin support. 

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34 minutes ago, Jean-Luc Pickguard said:

I have one of these for my CR5M. In addition to the end pin stand I also bought the end pin stand conversion kit which turns the tripod stand that came with the CR5M into a stand to support the bass when the end pin stand is attached.

That looks a nifty adapter - just a shame it doesn’t work with the NXT stand. A replacement CR stand is on my wish list but at £195 I think it’ll be there for sometime. 

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