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Pedal board and pedals.


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Selling off some stuff as the cull commences!


Consolidating a few ad’s. Not really after trades. Maybe a Jam Rattler Bass or willing to listen to some ideas. Nothing crazy I don’t need delay phaser tremolo etc. I have a very simple basic set of needs and most of those are met. Really just thinking of drive options. I like to shuffle my board every 4-5yrs and I feel a change coming on! 


Pedaltrain Classic Jr and soft case £70

The angled one with some duolock in place. This can be removed if requested. 

Beta Mkv £120. Boxed
Killer preamp with lots of options to dial in to suit the gig. Only selling I have a valve preamp with built in boost which matches my most used settings on the Beta so it’s kinda redundant for my needs but one of the few pedals I own which I bought brand new as it nailed what I needed perfectly - low gain fatness. 

JHS Colourbox v.2 £340 boxed 

this had a noise issue was returned to just who basically dropped in a brand new pedal with all their latest and most up to date revisions. Be wary of buying an earlier model as they might not be without issue down the line. £340


*Sold* LBA fe23 passive transformer. £80 boxed

 Darkglass Duality Fuzz. £90

I wasn’t really into fuzz then this arrived and ticked a fuzz sized box big style. It can do the dark fuzz thing and to my ear a really solid Hysteria style fuzz. The few songs we were gonna incorporate which needed fuzz and octave didn’t really make it to the set so time to shift this and its mate…

**Sold**MXR VBO £90

The picture is upside down ffs! I'll fix that and add the missing boxes tomorrow and the pedal train case. 



Edited by krispn
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