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Natural gut strings. When to change?

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Quick question.  Should I change my G yet?  It's about 5 years old and I've been trying to keep up with trimming off the odd strand of gut that peels off it using nail scissors, but I'm not great at it.   I oil them infrequently when I remember to do it.


It still sounds OK.  Possibly not quite quite as good as new, but it's subjective and hard to tell, as I've changed amps, cabs and pickups many times since I put it on.  It still sounds lovely and warm and loud acoustically.


I have a spare I could put on now, but they tend to drift in pitch radically for the first week, and I've got 3 gigs and 2 practices over the bank holiday weekend.  I really don't want to be re-tuning after every song (or worse, during every song!)


What would the Bass-Chatters do?17243267519738826316317643225123.thumb.jpg.76308071618df3f2ac7e38ec14da9d65.jpg


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