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NBD (1 of 2): Ibanez content

Mikey D

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I'm a massive fanboy obviously and have owned over the years: 2 GWB35s, GWB1 (twice), 3 different EHBs (6, 5 and shortscale 5), a heavily modded TMB35 (which I still have). Aside from the GWB which is fretless, never had a Prestige/Japanese fretted and always wanted one.


I recently had a bit of a purge to get 2 basses I have wanted since I first saw them.


Finally got an Ibanez Grooveline G105 I found being sold in Eire after repeated googling over the months/years. Even with family in Northern Ireland there was no way I could get it. After a few talks the owned agreed to have his son bring over to England so I could pick it up. 


An immaculate bass even with all the original case goodies and labels. 


Now I've set it up really low as I like I can tell it will get a lot of playing time. Which is saying something when you think what NBD 2 of 2 is...


I know the look isn't for everyone but has best balance of any bass I've ever played and has a great super jazz bass sound.


I really want a G106 but after a few messages from Benjamin Shepherd who informed me only 50 were made I'm not holding my hopes up. That said I'm extremely happy with the G105.


Anyone else got one?





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Bit of a fanboy here too*. That's awesome! I've always been intrigued by the Grooveline, they look very well thought out and hugely comfortable. 



* Most have been sold but I have owned 3 MC924's, an RS924, an ST924, a first year SR800LE (1987), 3 ATK's, 4 RG's and recently picked up an ORM-1. 

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I had a G104 for a little while I got very cheap as NOS. It was very well made, but really couldn't get anything but a super clean sound from it. Didn't work for my band (rock) so it was moved on, but other than that it was good.

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