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Reintroducing Myself, Since it’s Been Years.

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Hey all! So, I’ve been pretty inactive on here for QUITE some while.


Figured it’d make sense to reintroduce myself.


I’m Danny, from Stoke. Mostly playing bass with various pop artists & depping on covers gigs, since I’ve yet to find my “forever covers band” tried rock covers, which I found pretty dull, did some metal covers for afew years with decent returns.

Had a pretty great festival & wedding season this year, not as good as I’m assuming a lot of people have had… it’s getting my foot in the door!


Ashdown artist, 5 string & pedal enthusiast!








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20 minutes ago, BillyBass said:

Nice couple of Charvels there.  I have the JJ in red.


Is there much of a difference between the JJ and your pearl white PJ?

Well, tone wise? Wildly different, the P’s much hotter, & obviously sounds like a PJ, but in terms of playability etc? They’re pretty identical! Same neck & body on them, other than routing!

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