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Hi From San Francisco


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Hello all, I've been a lurker for years but I just decided to sign up for an account now.


I'm currently living in San Francisco, California, USA and first picked up the electric bass in 1986. I am still playing my 1990 Fender Jazz V today. I primarily gig out playing rock but also play a lot of R&B, blues, & jazz. As far as basses go in addition to my main Jazz V I have an duplicate/backup 1990 Jazz V, a Lakland 55-01 (soon with a John East Uni-Pre installed), a Spector Legend 5 Classic (hopefully soon with an LHZ-03 preamp), a Squier Jaco Tribute I stumbled into, and my old Peavy Foundation S that I converted to fretless in the early 1990's.


I've been an Ampeg guy for almost 20 years as well. I bought a mess of Eden 210XLT 8 ohm cabs throughout those 20 years as well so I currently have about three of those cabs lashed to an Ampeg SVT-4 Pro. I don't gig with all of that normally but it is set up in the studio that way right now. I also have an SWR Studio 220 with an Eden 210T out on 'loan' to a talented nephew.


I just dived into pedals and preamps this last summer and have been impressed so I bought a box and a few crayons for myself as well. On my boards I'm currently using an Effectrode LA-1A, JHS Pedals ColourBox V2, Line 6 Stomp XL, and my fave box besides my Peterson tuner, a Nobelium. It was built from a kit (here) and is based on the Noble preamp and while it doesn't sound exactly like a Noble it does sound wonderful to me nevertheless.


(edit: fixed a typo)

Edited by barfly
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