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12 minutes ago, Dan Dare said:


As a long time PJB owner/user, I think it better to add more cabs for more volume if you want clean sound. Having said that, if you're running a C8, that's pretty capable on its own in a lot of situations. It should deal with most pub/club gigs, unless the band is stupidly loud. It is, however, quite heavy and the OP wants lightness, so I'd suggest two PJB 4x5 cabs will be a lot easier to transport.


I have two C4s and three 4Bs and use two or more depending on how loud I need to be. Being quite inefficient, they do take a bit of driving, although the manufacturers rating of 400w per cab is a bit optimistic, imho. I'd say 300 is nearer the mark. I have a couple of 2 ohm capable heads, so can use up to three without adding additional amplification. Technically, I suppose I could use four, but I like to err on the safe side. I've not needed to use all five together so far.


The thing I like most about them, apart from the clean sound, is that they are very immediate. When I play through more conventional cabs, they feel a bit slow/plodding by comparison. As the OP also wants to use them for 7 string jazz guitar, I reckon they will do that job very well. I play a bit of jazz guitar at home through one of mine and it sounds good.


The C8 Lite I have is the neo version so 18.6kg, the C4 are 13.1kg each. Plus the C8 cabs have a trolley handle and wheels so the amount of carrying you have to do is very minimal! I also love the fast response of the PJB gear, normally I find cab/combo reviews a bit useless but you can really hear how snappy they are in the video Sam posted above.


The reason I don't like the idea of adding more cabs is that I'm lazy and only want to carry one, preferably pulling it behind me on wheels with my amp on the top.

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The Rumble 100V3 is super loud for its size. I used one on a festival gig and I thought it was DI'd but turned out to be the only thing filling the room for jazz orchestras. The weight of it would suggest a toy but it's a real thing.


I never go without a High Pass Filter aka HPF. It stops things from going boom.

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