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There’s a YouTube video for almost every situation. From building a fender P or J style control plate, fret dressing, straightening a warped neck, everything. If there’s a specific issue you’re looking for help on, let me know, and I’ll help you look for it.

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It is weird, I always suspect that my basses could be lusher but do not live close enough to top end Tech bods to even discuss it let alone have anything done. Or know that they could be better. This is based on playing one or two basses over the years and thinking "this feels fabulous". I can never tell if that is neck carve or action or one of 20 other things. I do know that a guy I work with took his LP Gold Top, his CS strat and his Gibson 335 to a guy who is acknowledged as top notch and they came back as a joy to play in a way they were not before. They were fine before, but after fettling they were lush beyond. So I do not even know what I would be looking for! 

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2 hours ago, Owen said:

It is weird, I always suspect that my basses could be lusher but do not live close enough to top end Tech bods to even discuss it let alone have anything done. Or know that they could be better. This is based on playing one or two basses over the years and thinking "this feels fabulous". I can never tell if that is neck carve or action or one of 20 other things. I do know that a guy I work with took his LP Gold Top, his CS strat and his Gibson 335 to a guy who is acknowledged as top notch and they came back as a joy to play in a way they were not before. They were fine before, but after fettling they were lush beyond. So I do not even know what I would be looking for! 

One thing most people don't think of, but makes a surprising difference is a fret polish. Far easier than re-crowning or anything else, and cheap to pick up the supplies to do so. Other than that, probably just a matter of taking your time, dialling things in just the way you like it to suit your playing style. 

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One bass I bought from BC taught me just how bad an amateur set-up could be. I've no reason to think I could do any better, so I've been very happy taking all my basses to my local, thorough, conscientious and reasonably-priced tech.


I'm sure that it is a very rewarding experience, being able to set up your own basses .... but so is having instruments you know are playing as well as they could 😁

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