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Blu De Tiger. This girl is going to go far.


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I'd never heard of Blue DeTiger but I've just listened to "Figure It Out" which has a great bassline, great tone, and over 41M streams.


It's automatically gone on to "Vintage - Flight Facilities Remix" which is basically modern disco and the bass playing is truly sublime. Great fills, really tasteful and funky. Great tone


So 2 songs in and it's clear this artist is commercially successful, putting bass at the front of the mix and the image. Why would Fender not want to do a signature bass?

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4 hours ago, Beer of the Bass said:

But the point for this discussion is that there's no basis for "correcting" Blu to Blue when the former is part of her actual given name as well as the name she uses.

Something to bear in mind is the dreaded autocorrect. Anyone contributing from a phone or some such runs the risk of their carefully typed 'Blu' being amended to 'Blue' without realising. It's not always going to be deliberate. 

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5 minutes ago, Rich said:

Something to bear in mind is the dreaded autocorrect. Anyone contributing from a phone or some such runs the risk of their carefully typed 'Blu' being amended to 'Blue' without realising. It's not always going to be deliberate. 


No, not always, just sometimes.


"I'll spell her name how I like" / "Her name is so ridiculous it's not worth bothering."

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20 hours ago, Misdee said:

Anyhow, what struck me most when I watched the clip was not the music but more how she speaks and what she says. She wants to "inspire and empower" and for her bass to help people "live their best lives". This is the nonsense that young people thrive on nowadays, and a huge burden for them to take upon themselves

Well, she can't say "f@*& it, they offered me loads of cash and a massive boost to promo and I said HELL YEAH here's my sort code and account number!"  It is a load of twaddle but it's probably been written by some marketing bloke in his 40's trying to behave like a teenager.


It looks and sounds like a very cool bass. I'd love to have a go on one with that double bridge pup and a powerful active system. I love the colour too. I can "see" the electronics in that being used across a wide variety of genres. Fair play to everyone involved, apart from the dodgy "inspirational words" stuff which sounds like the guff X factor contestants used to be forced to say on camera.

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I'm not sure that I would consider this to be a suitable role model for young girls, from a sartorial point of view, if this is the image that one is required to project. To me, it's the equivalent of the old, male, 'cucumber in your pants' image so prevalent in certain rock/pop bands. There are more sober ways to promote oneself and the bass, without the, to me, tacky fake call-girl look. I've no comment to make on the playing, nor the bass; I'm a drummer. :|

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1 hour ago, Dad3353 said:

tacky fake call-girl look

Not that you need me to, but I can’t approach your comment with an open mind like I was able to on the plinth thread.


Blimey. What would be acceptable for her to wear? Knee length skirt and a nice twin set? A formal trouser suit perhaps? 

If her online presence and fame brings just one person, irrespective of their sex, to the instrument I’d say that was a good thing. 

Anyway, to cleanse your eyes, here’s an entirely more appropriately clothed fellow instead. I reckon he shifted a few basses in his time too.





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1 hour ago, Dad3353 said:

I'm not sure that I would consider this to be a suitable role model for young girls, from a sartorial point of view, if this is the image that one is required to project. To me, it's the equivalent of the old, male, 'cucumber in your pants' image so prevalent in certain rock/pop bands. There are more sober ways to promote oneself and the bass, without the, to me, tacky fake call-girl look. I've no comment to make on the playing, nor the bass; I'm a drummer. :|


Your favourite Ms Kaye wasn't all that demure back in the day either, looks like her session wardrobe included short skirts with white leather calf boots, and the famous leopard print catsuit.

I dunno, it does feel like people are clutching at straws for reasons to be dismissive of DeTiger in this thread.

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In interviews (prior to any discussion over a signature bass), Blu DeTiger had talked about her desire to bring the bass out of the shadows and to the front of the music, having been heavily inspired by Motown and Funk greats and the like. So, that’s not new news, it’s literally the sound of her band and self-penned songs from the beginning.

As for “empowering bassists” of the future, I don’t have a signature Fender bass, or 2 million followers on TikTok, but I sure as sh*t have spent more years than our Blu has been alive wanting to inspire all ages to pick up the bass and fall in love with it as much as I have. (I made it my career after all; 100’s of video reviews, years of magazine columns and countless students from all corners.) Is Blu different because she is signed and has albums out and stacks of touring air miles? Still just someone who deep down loves bass and supporting other musicians right? You know, like bass chatters …. 🤨


I, like many of us on BC, have been a music teacher for many, many years and the stats everywhere are the same, there are fewer women choosing to play guitar or bass. Why wouldn’t someone in Blu DeTiger’s position want to use the opportunity to spread some positivity and address this? In support of, I can immediately think of three pro UK bassists (female) off the top of my head who have sought to address the issue in either interview or written their own magazine articles. And there are plenty more!


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I'd just like to point out that I have no hostility towards this player, and am not criticising her free choice of how to pursue her career. Just put me down as being of a more Puritan opinion, and, without going to the extremes of full-length burkas or nun's robes and the like, would not want any daughter of ours to follow such a style. She would, of course, have the freedom to do so, but I don't approve of such blatant, and to me, vulgar, accoutrement. I'll likely be chastised once again for expressing my opinion, but it's not the lady in question, nor her playing, nor the bass; it's just the question of role-model portrayed in that way that I find difficult. Sorry if that rankles with the popular view, but there it is. :friends:

Edited by Dad3353
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6 minutes ago, Dad3353 said:

I'll likely be chastised once again for expressing my opinion, but tit's not the lady in question, nor her playing, nor the bass; it's just the question of role-model portrayed in that way that I find difficult. Sorry if that rankles with the popular view, but there it is. :friends:

Erm....oh never mind 😎

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14 minutes ago, Dad3353 said:

I'd just like to point out that I have no hostility towards this player, and am not criticising her free choice of how to pursue her career. Just put me down as being of a more Puritan opinion, and, without going to the extremes of full-length burkas or nun's robes and the like, would not want any daughter of ours to follow such a style. She would, of course, have the freedom to do so, but I don't approve of such blatant, and to me, vulgar, accoutrement. I'll likely be chastised once again for expressing my opinion, but tit's not the lady in question, nor her playing, nor the bass; it's just the question of role-model portrayed in that way that I find difficult. Sorry if that rankles with the popular view, but there it is. :friends:


The rest of Dad's band:



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21 minutes ago, hiram.k.hackenbacker said:

This thread at least prompted me to look the bass up. GuitarGuitar are out of stock by the way.

18 minutes ago, Kev said:

But surely no-one is buying it, who IS she?!!!!! :swoon:


Out of stock..? They've all been bought already..? o.O




:lol: :P

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