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Blu De Tiger. This girl is going to go far.


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26 minutes ago, Misdee said:

I really don't appreciate you  or anyone else misrepresenting what I posted. I never said anything about "woke", or anything to do with that kind of thing. Not least of all because Fender making this signature bass is far from "woke".  


Put simply, the reason Fender have given this person their attention is because she is an a beautiful young woman, not because she is an exceptional  or successful musician. Like I also said, there's nothing wrong with her bass playing, she's pretty good, but not exceptional. I only pointed out that there's nothing unusual about how or what she plays the bass, it's fairly typical. There's lots of similar players. 


I also pointed out that she hasn't had any mainstream commercial success with her music. That's demonstrably true. And I mentioned Marcus Miller as an example because he is a benchmark example of a truly exceptional musician who had a Fender signature bass. That's all I said, and I don't think there's anything contentious in that. The rest is everyone else projecting their own prejudices and preconceptions onto what I wrote. I  can't be held responsible for that.


Like I  already said, if people enjoy  Blue, her music and this bass then great. I never said she shouldn't have her own bass, I never said it was wrong. But it is what it is, let's not pretend otherwise.


Ironically enough, if they offered this bass in a colour other than blue I might buy one. I really like the sound of the humbucker at the bridge, and lightweight is good for me nowadays. It's just that I don't like the colour.



I dont think she has been given a signature bass because she's beautiful, she's been given a signature bass because fender will sell them, its that simple. Like anyone in the music business shes using what shes got to create a career for herself so fair play.  Young girls don't watch her stuff/stream her songs because they find her attractive (although maybe some do) its because they like it and maybe, just maybe they can now picture themselves doing it.  Thats brilliant if you ask me.


I've listened to a couple of clips, its not for me, so i wont listen to more.  But at least the bass is a properly developed bass, not just a standard jazz in a different colour.


Good luck to her, anyone inspired by her and if you buy the bass I hope it plays well for you.



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4 minutes ago, Minininjarob said:

I could spell your name “nasty old bitter jealous man trying to defend his misogynistic opinions”. Cos that’s how I like to spell it. 

What am I supposed to be jealous of? You seem to be unable or unwilling to understand what I have posted, and what I have said is reasonable and rational. This is an example what psychologists nowadays call "projection". Your associate me with all sorts of things that in fact I have had nothing to do with it made any reference to.


It's very disappointing  but I suppose not that surprising that so many people are so outraged by a different point of view to the one which has been prescribed.

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1 minute ago, Misdee said:

What am I supposed to be jealous of? You seem to be unable or unwilling to understand what I have posted, and what I have said is reasonable and rational. This is an example what psychologists nowadays call "projection". Your associate me with all sorts of things that in fact I have had nothing to do with it made any reference to.


It's very disappointing  but I suppose not that surprising that so many people are so outraged by a different point of view to the one which has been prescribed.

It’s not a point of view. You said:


“The reason Fender have given this person their attention is because she is an a beautiful young woman, not because she is an exceptional  or successful musician”


Is that an opinion, now? 

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7 minutes ago, ped said:

It’s not a point of view. You said:


“The reason Fender have given this person their attention is because she is an a beautiful young woman, not because she is an exceptional  or successful musician”


Is that an opinion, now? 

A point of view is a way of telling a story, an opinion is a belief or judgement about something. They are not mutually exclusive . 

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3 minutes ago, Misdee said:

A point of view is a way of telling a story, an opinion is a belief or judgement about something. They are not mutually exclusive . 

You can still admit that you’re wrong about what I quoted, its fine. 

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17 minutes ago, cetera said:

Just for clarity, her name is Tabitha Blu Detiger. She has chosen to reframe it as Blu DeTiger because it's obviously more memorable.


Not sure what that contributes to this discussion but hey-ho! ;)



It reminds me of the people I've seen "correcting" Jimi Hendrix' name to Hendricks, even though the spelling with the X was what his father used and not a stage name that Jimi adopted.

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1 minute ago, BreadBin said:

From Wikipedia...


DeTiger was born in New York City and grew up in NoHo, Manhattan,[6][7] the daughter of visual artist Jonny DeTiger. Her older brother Rex suggested the name 'Blu' when she was born and her parents went along with it.

It's still her middle name. Her birth name is Tabitha.

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There seems to be a somewhat surreal belief that in 2024 playing ability and fame are directly connected.  


They aren't.


I'm not sure they ever have been, to be honest.  But today, love it or hate it, "making it" as a musician is more about social media presence and reach than any other factor, by a country mile.  Naturally, the big brands are going to react to that accordingly, and have done for a while now.  Fender isn't giving a signature bass to some nerdy virtuoso who has no idea what TikTok is, because they won't make any money off it.  


Getting a signature bass isn't a reward for all your hard work becoming the best at playing bass.  It's a business transaction, for the mutual benefit of the company and you, like any other endorsement deal.

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I don't see the problem. Fender have finally copied the obsolete Cort GB4 Custom, painted it blue, and got an attractive and very capable female to consent to having her name on it. It's not a democracy so opinions on here are really irrelevant.

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44 minutes ago, Beer of the Bass said:

A lot of people have chosen to use a middle name, that's not unusual (Alexander Boris DePfeffel Johnson, anyone?). But the point for this discussion is that there's no basis for "correcting" Blu to Blue when the former is part of her actual given name as well as the name she uses.

This was my point 👍

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1 minute ago, MacDaddy said:

Among the faux outrage and virtue signalling, nobody seems to care about the infantilising language used in the topic title to describe the 26 year old woman.


But by far the most important issue which has been missed is "is it any good for metal‽".


There's nothing faux about getting bored of a surly buzzkill who thinks it's "polite and considered" to continually misspell someone's name, then double down on it when called upon it because they consider her name to be "ridiculous".  Contemptible behaviour, I'm glad I called them on it and I'll do it again if the need arises.

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