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Blu De Tiger. This girl is going to go far.


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People are different - some wear stage clothes get signed, go onto fame and fortune.

@Dad3353 tried it, and didn’t look so go and got run out of town accused of whatever the francophone equivalent of “tacky fake call-girl”.


one gets a signature custom shop bass, the other gets nervous looks when he goes to the shops as twenty years on his neighbours remember “those fishnets”

Edited by LukeFRC
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4 minutes ago, Bleat said:

It would be nice to see some input from some young female bass players. 5 pages in and all I see is grumpy men arguing. 😆

I think that if you look up “forum” in the Oxford dictionary it says Forum: A remnant of the early days of the interweb. Place for grumpy old men to argue.


I would think that the yoot are on SnapGram or TokTik or whatever is the latest app of the moment.

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6 minutes ago, Supernaut said:

Well with attitudes like this, why would any stay? 




About 10 years ago I tried to make the point that middle-aged men using relatively provocative images of women as their avatar wasn't especially encouraging to female members. IIRC it didn't go down well. Re this thread, to be honest I'm surprised a mod didn't openly challenge at least two of the posts above; as you suggests @Supernaut, if I were a girl or woman new to the forum reading this thread, and despite the very positive attitudes of many of the members, I wouldn't feel it is a place I'd want to frequent :( 

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1 hour ago, Kev said:

I think the you may have missed the tone of my post ;) 

I’m not dissing your post at all, and I don’t think I missed the tone. I’m just expressing an opinion. Example I don’t know Nate whoever’s bass work, but his signature bass gets great comment. I’d buy one if it’s that good. Same with Ms DeTiger

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Embarrassingly I'd not actually checked out Blu's playing, and on the basis of a few posts here had assumed it was perhaps style over substance.


But having now done so: 


1: She's a significantly better player than I am or ever will be.


2: She's certainly as good a player as any of the bassists I know, and i know a few


3: She's probably a better player than a significant and substantial percentage of the members of this forum.


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4 hours ago, Dad3353 said:

….more sober ways to promote oneself and the bass, without the, to me, tacky fake call-girl look.


3 hours ago, Dad3353 said:

….I don't approve of such blatant, and to me, vulgar, accoutrement.

You think that’s tacky and vulgar? You should visit the city of Southend on a Friday night for a definition of tacky and vulgar 🤣

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1 hour ago, Geek99 said:

I’m not dissing your post at all, and I don’t think I missed the tone. I’m just expressing an opinion. Example I don’t know Nate whoever’s bass work, but his signature bass gets great comment. I’d buy one if it’s that good. Same with Ms DeTiger

Fair enough, it just sounded like a retort rather than agreement with my opinion on it, apologies it seems for misunderstanding you 😅 but yes, me too, and I'm sure a hell of a lot of players will! Good business for Fender from what I can see.

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7 minutes ago, Beedster said:

Embarrassingly I'd not actually checked out Blu's playing, and on the basis of a few posts here had assumed it was perhaps style over substance.


But having now done so: 


1: She's a significantly better player than I am or ever will be.


2: She's certainly as good a player as any of the bassists I know, and i know a few


3: She's probably a better player than a significant and substantial percentage of the members of this forum.


I'd never heard of her before this thread, and even though her playing isn't my cup of bovril, she's a waaaaay better player than I'll ever be. On any instrument, and without any performance enhancing substances.

Also she's apparently famous enough to get Fender signature models, which is more than I'll ever do. Full respect.


Sadly the bass itself looks like it's made by the same people who design Haribo, (or overdose on it) so I'm out on that one. But fair play to her. She's got a bigger career than I have. 


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3 hours ago, Bleat said:

It would be nice to see some input from some young female bass players. 5 pages in and all I see is grumpy men arguing. 😆


Thus proving my point that @Misdee seemed so affronted by. 


Many corners of the music industry are not welcoming places for young women. More visibility of artists (like Ms DeTiger) that they can see themselves in will give them the confidence to be more present in those spaces, and help build the belief that they belong and can build a career. 


This forum is full of grumpy old men. There are few, if any, young female bass players here and it's no surprise given some of the commentary here.


Thankfully, the majority of members, grumpy as we all are, appear to be on the sensible side of this conversation. 

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10 minutes ago, mike257 said:

This forum is full of grumpy old men. There are few, if any, young female bass players here and it's no surprise given some of the commentary here.



Young female (and male) musicians will most likely be on other social media platforms, rather than on a forum like Basschat. 


Like it or not, music (especially ensemble playing to the public) has been dominated by men throughout the centuries, going back to strolling minstrels in the medieval period. That's not to say that there hasn't always been female musicians, because there always have been, but it has historically been a male dominated arena. I think that it is great that artists like Ms DeTiger are getting recognition and have the potential to inspire young women to play instruments like bass, but those who want to become gigging musicians will have to develop a thick skin and not be too bothered by negative comment if they are to survive, just as young male musicians have to. It isn't for those who are easily offended or upset. 


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7 minutes ago, LukeFRC said:

Here we go... bass geekery, lightweight basses, do I need compression?, which envelope filter and if you don't like stage clothes,  jeans and t-shirt ... 



I don't see the issue with her stage clothes at all - surely she just dresses pretty much the same as any 20 something girl has done on a night out for the last forty years. 


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Just now, peteb said:


I don't see the issue with her stage clothes at all - surely she just dresses pretty much the same as any 20 something girl has done on a night out for the last forty years. 


I don't at all, but some have in the last 6 pages and I was giving them reassurance rather than them needing to have a trigger warning.

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IMO she's a good player, with a great tone, but she's also a bandleader, singer and songwriter.


She's going to sink or swim on the strength of her songwriting, singing and performance.


As I've discovered, just being a good player and looking pretty won't get you far.

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