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Two compressors


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So, as a result of a recent thread about compressors, i started experimenting. This is what ended up sounding the best. At the start the photon death ray is an optical comp that basically works on raising the level of the higher notes and not taming the low. At the end of the chain (well pre reverb) I've got the TC with the Captain East toneprint which works it's magic on the lows. 

I compared this setup to just boosting highs and lows (using a pultec plug in) but it's not the same. I guess compressors have a dynamic interaction with the signal and it's certainly a different sound. And awesome, my new basic eq'd sound! Switching off either comp makes for a drop in tone and you just want to switch it back in straight away. I might have to experiment with more comp options, I can see an obsession coming on! Next will be the Rocket Airchild, a pedal version of the famed Fairchild 660, plus I'm interested in the Drawmer 1973, a Tri band comp which could be very interesting. 

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1 hour ago, visog said:

So two compressors in series? Interesting. That's, I think more unusual than the parallel signal path dual compressor route. Some sound clips would be good?

I'll do some clips later this week. 

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1 hour ago, ped said:

The Spectracomp can do three band and a lot more if you plug it in via USB. It’s absolutely one of the most powerful compressors you can buy if you dig into the editor. 

The TC is powerful but I like the way the optical comp works in tandem with the TC. It's like the best if both worlds, optical does the lazy high end stuff and then after the phaser/EF pedals the TC takes care of any low end transients but in a more limiting way. 

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2 hours ago, visog said:

So two compressors in series? Interesting. That's, I think more unusual than the parallel signal path dual compressor route. Some sound clips would be good?

I think because the comps I'm using are working in completely different ways they compliment each other. The PDR does the top end dynamics but in a very lazy optical way, and the TC I've set to be more aggressive in the bass region. But also I think the PDR works well at the front to bring up the treble before the pedals reduce them and the TC helps contain, but also focus, the low excessives that the phasers and EFs can promote. As I said, I'll do some comparison clips later in the week when I've experimented a bit more. 

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Loving the board! Loving two compressors as well. I also like to use one at the beginning and one at the end: the first as more of an effect and the one at the end (typically a big box unit) to tidy things up or give it a sparkle. The first isn’t always on but the latter, working in tandem with the preamp, is.

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Putting two compressors in series is a great studio trick for any instrument with a mixture of transients and longer sustained notes. Vocals with plosives for example. A typical example would be to run a super fast 1176 style compressor to capture the initial transients (on average around 3-5dB of reduction) and then place a slower but more 'flavourful' compressor after in series, such as an LA-2A style compressor to do the leveling side of things. (I like to use a cheeky maximiser limiter in my mixes to lift things a bit too.)

I'm a massive fan of multiband and parallel compression, something that I have had in my set up for.. i dunno, 25 years+. No, it's not to make up for poor technique, before anyone starts whining, I just like to send a more polished sound to my FOH engineer (when it is appropriate to do so) 

Edited by Dood
Typo or three..
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55 minutes ago, LukeFRC said:

If you look up the source audio Atlas compressor you can run two compressors (in two places in your signal chain) in the same pedal... 

As I'm on a compressor run at the moment I'll check that out. 

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I’m a bit giddy with a mark bass comp first and after my preamp there’s a hyper luminal going to my foh. As the signal moves along I have a Basswitch Dual Band comp near the end of the board. It’s excessive but as I had them I thought I’d add them and honestly with a little touch of mild comp I’m getting a big sound with dynamics intact. 

I’ll pair it down but it’s actually fun. I can switch them on and off and generally leave the hyper luminal on all the time. 

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