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New Hollow Body Bass Day.



I've been after a hollow body bass for the tone and this showed up in the research. A Sire Marcus Miller GB5 - the fretted version. I was impressed in the demo videos I saw/heard - it had the sound I was looking for and it's not bad looking. There was one for sale in Bax at £397 so I jumped in. Ordered on Tuesday, it arrived this afternoon. Shiny black (that won't last after my grubby fingerprints get on it 😀) , great playability straight from the box and almost the sound I was expecting without any dialing in of the amp. My only criticism is that the point on the body where my arm rests is quite sharp - no contour. It means a slight adjustment of the position of my hand to be most comfortable. Not so much of a problem if I'm playing with a pick (which won't be that often on this).



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7 minutes ago, Grahambythesea said:

Re your comment on the sharp body. You get that with all hollow body basses, I have never heard of or seen one with a contour, it’s the way they are.

Hasn't the Fender PBAC, the MIJ semi acoustic P Bass from the 90s got a bit of a contour? 

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