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Hartke Amp and Cab opinions?


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Hi peeps


Looking for a new rig that I can move easily for smallish gigs. Only ever owned combos before and the whole amp/cab thing is a new world for me. I've spent the last few months looking at various options and have I think settled on this set up. 


Hartke LX8500

Hartke HyDrive HL410


I've priced them up on bax and I can get both with extended warranty for just shy of 1200. Anyone with more experience got any suggestions issues or any other advice before I pull the trigger?


Band I'm playing in is a 5 piece with two guitars. Rock/metal kinda stuff but not super heavy. Playing small shows at the moment but obviously hoping to get bigger gigs in the future. 


Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks 😊 

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